
Six New Videos Available in July!


Sword Bearer Level
BEHIND THE SCENES – Sevrah was raised a Christian, but became interested in ghost hunting. This opened her up to demonic possession and torment from the spirits she tried to communicate with.
CURSE BREAKING – Isolation may be the result of personal grief or mental health issues. It may lead to depression and substance abuse. Discover how the devil uses isolation to attack vulnerable people.

Soldier Level (Sword Bearer Videos Plus 2 More!)
EXORCISM EXPLAINED – Addiction, Abandonment, Witchcraft, and Death demons combine to torment.
EXORCISM UNCUT – Young Witch Battles to Get Free

Commander Level (Sword Bearer & Soldier Videos Plus 2 More!)
ACCELERATED DELIVERANCE – Jezebel is the demon of sex and religion.
BOB LARSON ARCHIVES – Bob debates Satanists Nikolas Shreck and Zeena LaVey. Pt 2

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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