
So Long Satan Shoes!


In case you haven’t heard, the so-called Satan Shoes marketed by rapper Lil Nas X have been recalled. The shoes, modified Nike Air Max 97 sneakers, were decked out with a Satan-worshiping pentagram and an upside down cross, plus an injection of human blood in the soles. Lil Nas X got his 15 minutes of fame, but the original shoe manufacturer Nike wasn’t amused. Nike is one of the most politically liberal American companies and previously took heat for promoting former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who started the campaign of athletes refusing to stand for America’s national anthem. But apparently the idea of shoes in the name of Satan was too much even for Nike. They sued the rapper for trademark infringement and won. Not only that, but the distributor of the shoes MSCHF Product Studios Inc. also agreed to buy back all the sold sneakers to remove them from circulation. That’s one small step for Nike, a giant leap for Christian values.

As bad as America’s moral climate is these days, apparently there are still some lines people don’t want to cross. Making light of Lucifer is one of them. The devil is regularly treated frivolously in movies and on television, but Satan Shoes were just too creepy. According to a Barna poll last year, more American’s believe in the devil than believe in God. Today just 51% of American adults believe in an all-powerful Creator, down from 73% in 1991. But today 56% believe in Satan. In short, it seems that people are genuinely concerned about the evil supernatural, but many don’t believe in a God who is able to do anything about it.

As an exorcist I want to affirm that the devil and demons are real – and they can be defeated by the power of Jesus Christ. We have 700+ videos posted on YouTube that bear existential witness to this fact. The depths of demonic evil are beyond human comprehension. Just this last week, a New Mexico drug dealer was stopped. He then pulled out a gun and executed the cop. The killer was first arrested at age 13 and had 9 previous criminal violations on his record. In Los Angeles, three children under the age of five were stabbed to death by their mother. In Florida a 75-year-old woman and a six-year-old boy were killed in a hit and run by a woman high on drugs When captured she said her name was Harry Potter. Satan is having a heyday, but I continue to trust in Romans 5:20 which says, “Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.” And I’m grateful there are no more Satan Shoes. I just hope that no one gets the bright idea to market Lucifer Loafers.

An Encouraging Word

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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