
Stalked by Witches? – Part 1

stalked by witches

Do you ever feel like you are being stalked by witches? People tell me this all the time. I take each case seriously because I never know for certain whether it’s fact or fiction. I do know this — what witches have done in the past may be affecting the present if they curse the bloodline.

There’s also the possibility that someone has family members involved in witchcraft. It’s possible that some things you suffer may be the result of someone who in the present put in a curse on you, especially if that individual is a psychic, energy healer, or someone who practices various forms of the occult. You engaged their services. This also applies to any kind of New Age leader or eastern religious guru who has cursed those who depart from him. Somewhere between paranoid speculation and occult fact there may be real dangers to you and those you love.


To determine if witches are stalking you let’s first address what we mean by a witch. Witchcraft can be understood through both spiritual and cultural lenses, often varying significantly depending on the geographical location of a culture and the dominant religious belief system of that society.

From a spiritual standpoint, witchcraft encompasses the invoking of spirits or goddess deities through spells and rituals. These demonic beings may be intentionally called forth for purposes of information, guidance, and appeasement. In our modern world the definition of witchcraft encompasses the use of universal energies and the forces of the cosmos, including the earth, and other heavenly bodies. The most popular forms of witchcraft today center on what the Bible calls divination, seeking to know the unknown by means other than Jehovah God.

From a cultural perspective witchcraft practices vary according to different geographical designations. Western culture traces most witchcraft to European civilizations. This includes the druids of ancient Gaul and what we know now as the United Kingdom, particularly Ireland. Indigenous practices are generally pursued with shamanism such as a witch doctor, some kind of powerful religious figure who guides the particular society. Today witchcraft could include what’s known as Wicca, the wise ones, and neo paganism. Witchcraft in our modern world has undergone a public relations makeover so that witches can be seen more positively as “wise people” bringing hope to the confused and searching. The idea of witchcraft as being malevolent has been expunged from society through the efforts of Walt Disney and witchcraft friendly television shows beginning with ”Bewitched.”

In the next blog, we’ll discuss the two forms witchcraft stalking takes on to perpetuate curses.

An Encouraging Word


“This is the will of God, your sanctification” (1 Thessalonians 4:3). Those are strong words from the Apostle Paul. Sanctification seems like such an ancient word. It’s not even on the radar of most churches today. Easton’s Bible Dictionary calls it “more than a mere moral reformation of character: it is the work of the Holy Spirt bringing the whole nature under the influences of new gracious principles.” The dictionary says it is to “make holy, set apart as sacred.” Most important, IT IS GOD’S WILL. Growing in grace and constantly surrendering more of one’s life to the Lord daily isn’t an option, it is a command. Sanctification is to make holy, to separate from the world, to set apart unto the Lord. That is a tall order, the “venti” of spiritual aspirations.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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