
Targeted Curse Breaking


Targeted curse breaking. What’s that? It’s a challenge to get Christians to understand any form of curse breaking. Most American believers attend churches that teach there are no curses on Christians. Every curse was supposedly canceled at the cross. Consequently, every confessing Christ has total freedom by faith according to Galatians 3:13. My book “Curse Breaking” explodes that myth. Get a copy and read what I have to say. This theological viewpoint is uniquely American. Much of the rest of the world, especially places such as African, India, and Asia knows better. With many generations of paganism and witchcraft in their genealogy, they understand the negative influence of unbroken curses.

Once a person accepts the concept of confessionally canceling the curses of one’s forebears, what then? Being born again means that the new follower of Christ has the right and authority to cancel the residual effect of all past bloodline evil. This is usually done in a general sense by declaration. “Curse Breaking” includes 25 pages of prayers to break specific curses that may befall any individual. This is a great place to start. But real freedom from generational bondage requires taking things further. This is what I call “targeted” curse breaking, renouncing specific evil that is connected uniquely to the inherited evil of a specific person’s ancestry.

A starting point is renouncing the known evil actions of ancestors who were evil. For example, the parent who was physically abusive. The grandfather who was an adulterer. The grandmother who practiced witchcraft. The uncle who molested. The aunt who was an alcoholic. The great-grandparent who engaged in criminal behavior. The murderer. The drug addict. The blasphemer. The atheist. Targeted curse breaking names individuals and cites their specific ungodly actions. These evil ancestors and their acts are specifically declared (targeted)and the inherited curses canceled.

You can’t know all the evil of every ancestor to nullify such actions by prayer, but you can cancel the iniquities of those you are aware of. In addition, question members of your extended family regarding what they know about sins and sinners in the family tree. You may be surprised what you uncover. Then, according to Matthew 18:19, agree with a godly Christian to eradicate targeted bloodline evil. Our YouTube Members Only Channel contains videos you can watch and declare curse breaking prayers along with me. Enroll today. Break free from the consequences of ancestral evil. Pray curse breaking prayers. Better yet, target definitive sins and the individuated source of those moral failures. You’ll be amazed at how free you’ll feel and the new intimacy you’ll have with Christ once you engage in targeted curse breaking.

An Encouraging Word


“If I have done evil to him who is at peace with me . . . let him trample my life to the ground.” That challenge of Psalm 7:4-5 is gutsy. David puts his integrity on the line. His reputation is at stake. He challenges his detractors to find any time he treated unfairly those who trust in him. How many politicians today could say that? Certainly not most entertainers or sports heroes. For some in pop culture, bad character is a pathway to fame and fortune. Christians are to be different. Are you willing to let your life be judged for faithfulness to the Lord and to have your good name at risk for the deeds you have done?

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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