
The Biblical Boundaries of Sex – Part 2


Let me arrange for you, in descending order of relative seriousness, the potential evil consequences of sexual behavior. Marriage, legally and spiritually recognized, is God’s only provision for full sexual expression. Here in a general sense are the 10 most egregious sexual deviations, in descending order of spiritual consequences. This would be a “hit list” in the realm of demonic assignments, the most serious at the top.

1) NON-CONSENSUAL MARITAL RAPE – At top because marriage bond of sexual trust is divinely sacred.
2) ADULTERY IN MARRIAGE – This destroys the inviolable [secure from profanation and trespass] human relationship God has created on earth.
3) NON-CONSENAUL RAPE – Usually involves violence and potential for physical harm.
4) STATUATORY RAPE OF A MINOR – Takes advantage of a child’s innocence.
5) INCEST – From experience in deliverance, these are some of strangest demons.
6) MOLESTATION – Destroys sense of trust and safety and makes the world dangerous.
7) FORNICATION – Exploitive, selfish, and manipulative.
8) PROSTITUTION – Degrades both the participant and the procurer.
9) SEXUAL TRAFFICKING – Enlarges scale of exploitation beyond individuals.
10) PORNOGRAPHY AND SEXTING – Gateway to many other sexual sins.

This list is neither exacting nor morally quantifiable. It is simply given to have a sense of what sexual sins Satan is looking to foment. The more serious the sin, the more serious its consequences of possible demonic influence.

An Encouraging Word


“Let your heart not be troubled,” Jesus said in John 14:1. That so often seems hard to do, especially in our world where indecency is rampant, and violence lurks around every corner. How can we not be troubled by the evil around us? Read the next few verses. Jesus speaks of the place in heaven he has prepared for Christians. We can “not be troubled” because this world is not our final destination. Though we should be troubled by war, violence, and crime, that troubling should incite us to action to right such wrongs, knowing that some day it will all end and heaven will be our home.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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