![]() Friday, February 21st 2014
It’s official. The Church of England (Anglican), the official church of the British Commonwealth, is about to surrender to Satan. A new trial baptism is being tested in which parents and godparents need no longer “repent of sins” and “reject the devil.” The trial program has been piloted in 400 parishes on the premise that avoiding such language would make parents seem more comfortable and “culturally appropriate” when presenting their child for the ancient sacrament. Anglican baptisms are officially recognized by the Catholic Church, though there is no word yet on what the Vatican thinks about this politically correct baptism. Traditionally the presiding vicar was supposed to ask the parents or godparents, “Do you reject the devil and all rebellion against god?” and “Do you repent of the sins that separate us from God?” An affirmative response was expected before the baby would be baptized. Now, they will only be asked to “reject evil,” a formula sure to make Hell happy. One opposing Bishop has called it “baptism lite.” Another critic says, “It further reduces the fullness of the Church’s faith to easily swallowed sound bites.” Amen! Reverend Miranda Threlfall-Holmes, vicar of Durham, argues in favor of the change by saying that it allows those of “low literacy” to more easily understand the baptism. Say that again? What’s hard to fathom about repenting of sin? What’s so difficult to comprehend about rejecting the devil? To take it one step further, infant baptism was originally instituted in the early church as an exorcism to free the newborn from inherited evil. This historical fact is documented profusely in the Apprentice Level of our International School of Exorcism�. Students of the school learn that the early church fathers also saw baptism as a way to break the power of generational curses. What then is infant baptism for, if not to provide a way for parents to break any power Satan has over their child? It seems that instead of driving Satan away from the innocent child, some Anglicans are giving an open door to the devil. An encouraging word: HOPE OF HEAVEN Most Christians think that idea of meeting God face-to-face is a New Testament idea (“willing to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord” – 2 Cor. 5:8). But David said in the last verse of Psalm 17, “I shall be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness” (verse 15). The Psalmist anxiously awaited the satisfaction of living eternally in God’s presence. Before Calvary David may not have totally understood all that heaven meant, such as the promise of “many mansions,” personally prepared by the Lord himself. But spiritually he grasped the hope of heaven. Do you? What good is being a Christian without the anticipation of being satisfied with nothing more than to awake to eternal life in Christ?
Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online. |