
The Delivered Speak Out!



Friday, January 31st 2014


Classic depiction of Christ’s temptation.

It has been a wild week! First, a week ago tonight, CNN’s “Anderson Cooper AC360” show featured a story about our ministry doing deliverance by Skype on the Internet. That infuriated our critics, including some Catholic exorcists. Some evangelical Christians who believe that the ministry of casting out demons died with the apostolic age vented their fury. Meanwhile, national and international media went into high gear. Stories about our ministry appeared on Huffington Post, the Drudge Report, the New York Daily News, TheBlaze.com, French TV (with whom I did an interview last night), CNN Latino, UK Sunday Herald (most read newspaper in Scotland), Vocativ.com, a top Greek news web site, numerous (maybe hundreds) of local TV stations – that’s just a partial list. I and my staff have been handling scores and scores of media requests all week. As I pointed out the past couple of days, I didn’t seek this, it sought me. The Skype exorcism was inadvertent, not planned as some kind of promotion. But through it all God has been getting the glory as the one who sets people free. In this one week alone, millions around the world have been faced with the fact that Satan is alive and well, and Jesus overcomes him when we confront the devil in the name of Jesus.

I appealed yesterday for those who do support this ministry to encourage us. I have been deeply touched by the response that has flooded our office. I wish I could let you read every email, but here are a few excerpted quotes:

  • I have been to your sessions and been so blessed to be taught by you. I was a demonized woman and have been set free and now minister as a pastoral counselor. You are the real thing. I have also done several counseling cases by Skype. Delora
  • The Lord used you as His servant to minister a lot of deliverance and inner healing inside of me. Be encouraged although this trash talk is out there against your ministry. I love you brother Bob!!!!!!!!!! Rebecca
  • Keep doing what you’re doing. Thank you for all you have taught me. You changed MY LIFE!!! Libby
  • We have had family and individual encounters with you. You brought me to the place of childhood pain and I was delivered from oppression and generational curses. You ministry is critical to the success of my family, every family. Kathy

Some comments haven’t been so nice:

  • Why do you have the hubris and narcissistic belief that you can cast out demons via Skype? They will expose you as a fraud and fake. You are just another money hungry opportunist and you will be judged one day. Brian
  • Anyone offering a demon test in exchange for money is himself a demon. May God curse you and your lies. Terry (NOTE: Our web site demontest.com does charge a small processing fee to develop and maintain the site.)

Wow, our ministry has obviously hit a raw nerve. There are many other quotes I’ll be sharing in the near future, but one thing is certain. People are talking, the media is buzzing, and lives are being changed. Last night I had an encounter with a man who is involved in many demonic New Age cults. He bought a Bible at a Goodwill store and opened it a random and read 2 Cor. 10:3-5. That’s when he remembered seeing me on TV, and immediately called our offices to set up an appointment. His demons are powerful and threatening. They cursed and tried to intimidate me. They bragged, “We’re going to get him to kill himself, and take a few people with him.” Because of our intervention and God’s grace this man will not be another news headline of violence! Isn’t that what this ministry is really all about? Why can’t the critics see that? If you do, I’d still love to hear from you at 303-980-1511 or [email protected].

An encouraging word:  GOD VINDICATES

We’ve all felt at one time or another that we were unjustly treated or misunderstood. If you’ve read my blogs this week, that’s what I’ve been experiencing; but I am encouraged by David’s words in Psalm 17:2: May my vindication come from you [God], may your eyes see what is right. When you feel you’ve been harshly judged or wrongly accused, release your hurt to the Lord. He judges all things fairly by a divine standard. It is better to be vindicated by God than to be falsely praised by men.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.


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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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