
The Eternals Movie – An Exorcist’s View


The cinematic indoctrination of a New Age worldview takes a giant leap for occult mankind with the current release of the Marvel Comics film “The Eternals.” This 26th film of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) distributed by Disney (who else) tells the story of the so-called Eternals. This immortal, never-dying race of aliens has been saving humanity for, well, eternity; hence the name The Eternals. Their enemy is also an undying race, the Deviants. But before you think this movie is a biblical allegory of good versus evil, angels versus demons, look closer. This film is a spin-off on the old idea that white witchcraft can be used to fight black magic, that good and evil are just opposite sides of the same spiritual coin. 

According to the plot, ten superheroes were sent to earth in 5000 B.C. Their goal was to vanquish the Deviants, who were last killed in 1521. Citing blasphemies and witchcraft in this movie is easy, especially the names of the Eternals. These include the demonic identities listed following. I have personally dealt with each of these mythological gods/demons. Some I’ve encountered on many occasions. You can watch me cast out many of these demons in real life on our Bob Larson Exorcism Channel.

AJAK: This demon is named after the Incan god Tecumotzin, another form of Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec demon god requiring human sacrifice. Ajak sometimes fights with Thor, the Nordic demon god I’ve also faced in many exorcisms.

GILGAMESH: This is another demon I have cast out many times. The name comes from an ancient poem based on the Mesopotamian mythological hero of the same name. I can relate from experience that this demon is violent and fierce. 

SERSI: This evil spirit is openly declared to be a witch operating in mankind. She has the power of shape shifting and interchanging energy and matter in the MCU. This god/demon is also known to the Greeks as Circe, a Jezebel spirit who supposedly used incantations to turn humans into animals. 

THENA: A goddess spirit and cousin to Sersi. She is the personal representative of the idolatrous god Athena, daughter of Zeus. Her name was changed to resemble that of Athena. (She is also connected with the Roman god Minerva.)

IKARIS: This demon god is named after the legendary Icarus, who flew with mechanical, wax wings too close to the sun and died. 

MAKKARI: Roman god Mercury. He is the god of speed, divination and commerce (another name for Mammon).

PHASOS:  Also known as Hephaestus, Greek god of fire. He was married to the Greek goddess Aphrodite, a Jezebel demon.

SPRITE: One of the fairies, diminutive demons, commonly worshipped among Eastern Europeans. Another name for this evil spirit is Puck, known to the English as a mischievous, evil demon.

DRUIG and KINGO: These two alone have names not directly related to Roman or Greek mythology with overtly demonic significance. 

Other aspects of The Eternals compound the overt occultism with tales of these beings having superhuman strength, powers to manipulate energy, universal mind teachings, sexual relationships between these eternal gods/demons and humans (Nephilim attributes), mind control powers, gods attempting to murder another, and the singularity concept (dense matter, black holes). 

The Eternals is a syncretistic stew of Gnosticism, occultism, and pagan mythology. Christ is nowhere mentioned as being present in human history but is replaced by transgender ideology, coarse language, and demonic myths. A pagan priest conducts a wedding ceremony to “the gods.” Leftist ideology in sneaked in by blaming America for Hiroshima instead of the fault being attributed to the emperor worshipping, Shinto beliefs of the Japanese during World War II. Gay lovers passionately kiss, and a sex scene of partially nude hetero lovers is slipped into the plot. The collapse of the Aztec empire is blamed on the Catholic Spaniards, not the human sacrificing Aztecs who outraged even their Mesoamerican contemporaries. In this Marvel Universe there is no transcendent God, no beneficent Supreme Being, no Lord of all who sends his son to save humanity. It is the Eternals who are called up to rescue Earth from the coming apocalypse. 

There is no way that a theistic Christian who believes that Jehovah God created and interacted with humanity to bring redemption could countenance this film. If you haven’t seen it, take a wide berth. If you have, repent and cleanse your mind of the cursed content of this film. The Eternals supposedly rescued humanity. But if you watched the film for entertainment purposes, you may need deliverance to rescue you from the Eternals. 

An Encouraging Word


A thousand may fall at your side . . . but it will not come near you.” That promise of Psalm 91:7 is mostly metaphorical to Americans. But some years ago, I was speaking with a young soldier fighting in an Eastern European war zone, and he asked me to pray for him, just as he was being deployed to the front. He was leaving behind a wife and three children. I quoted that verse as I looked into his brave eyes. It was very literal to him. We who live in peace should be grateful that we do not have to apply that scripture in fact. But spiritually, it happens every day because of temptation and sin. When the enemy forces of Hell attack you, make sure you are not one of those who falls

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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