
The Gazer


If you aren’t aware of Braco (Braht-zoh), the Croatian spiritualist, you’re going to think I’m jesting. I’m not. What I’m about to tell you is so bizarre it could only happen in these self-indulgent, spiritually bankrupt End Times. Braco is known as “the Gazer” because he stands motionless in front of audiences, and for as long as 30 minutes says nothing. He just stares at people to transmit spiritual experiences and healing, including the alleged curing of cancer. A reported more than 200,000 annually look into his mesmerizing eyes. A promotional flyer declares, “Braco shares a very special gift through his silent gaze. Often people experience a deep sense of peace after meeting Braco’s gaze.” Those beholding Braco’s eyes must be 18 years or older and women past three months pregnant may not be present. 

Braco claims no religion. He was the disciple of a Serbian “prophet” and healer, Ivica Prokic, who gave the Gazer, who was once known as Josip Jelavic, the name Braco, “little brother.” Those who can’t get to the Gazer in person can look at him on YouTube or DVD, but they are warned that “Spirit” (his term) gives guidelines not to look at him longer than seven seconds. He also sells sun talismans with 13 golden rays to bring good luck. And what is the power behind all this? It’s simply called “the Voice.” (This is reminiscent of the “Voice” that dictated the demonic, metaphysical volumes of “A Course in Miracles.”) You can even bring a photo of a sick loved one (or hold up a cell phone with their visage) to be healed miraculously. Audience members claim to see angels or vibrant aura colors around him. People also see light orbs, feel pulses of electricity, and weep ecstatically. Some say they see his face change into another being, a claim I give some credence. 

What’s happening is a form of hypnotic suggestibility, like Hindu, yogic, tantric eye-gazing. The intention is to experience the “other” and the oneness of all. It’s a form of occult soul-bonding, and those who gaze at the Gazer are entering into a soul-connection with him and his demons. Intentional gazing is an old practice of mystical religions and only Braco’s marketing of the phenomenon is new. As to his claims of miraculous healings, be reminded that Matthew, Mark, and Luke all warn in the Last Days many shall come claiming to have the powers of Christ. But as Luke 21:8 says, “Don’t go after them!” And don’t gaze at them.


God is limited. That statement might be shocking, but the fact is that God is limited by what we humans do with the world he has given us. “When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” David asks in Psalm 11:3. We may expect God to bless us as a nation, as a church, as a family, or even as an individual. But if collectively or individually we allow moral foundations to be destroyed, we hinder the blessing God would otherwise give. Make sure that your foundation of character, ethics, honesty, and morality are not destroyed so God continues to work in your life.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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