
The Illuminati


Things are now happening that raise questions about how much of what we see all around us is happenstance or is in some measure orchestrated. Who is behind the abrupt shift in cultural and political reality which we’ve witnessed in the last few months? Satan needs human instruments to bring about his evil. He is an immaterial being and he needs materiality to accomplish his ends. Could his surrogates be shadowy organizations like Freemasonry and the Illuminati, that have a goal of world domination.

In 1776 a man named Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati, a Bavarian, Germany secret society. The Illuminati goal then, and now, is a New World Order. Just how far they’ve gone to achieve that goal is speculation. In America, we’ve learned in recent years just how entrenched such secretive “deep states” can be. Minerva’s Owl is the Illuminati symbol. Minerva was the Roman goddess of wisdom and war, counterpart to the Greek’s Athena. (Both archetypes of Jezebel.) Later, Minerva became associated with the Greek island of Lesbos, a place of ritualized homosexuality, from which we get the word “lesbianism.” 

In addition to its Freemason connections, the Illuminati is connected with the Rosicrucians, another diabolical secret order. Rosicrucianism is a form of Egyptian black magic. This unholy alliance of Freemasonry, the Illuminati, and the Rosicrucians remains today. The Illuminati appears to also have ties to the California-based Bohemian Grove secret society, which has included Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and the Bushes. Skull and Bones, also known as “The Brotherhood of Death” is a secret Yale University society whose membership includes powerful people, including several Supreme Court Justices. All refuse to speak of what goes on in the cult, which, like the Masons, involves vows of death. 

Some assert that behind all this is the Rothschilds, said to be the most powerful financial family in the world. Rothchild’s wealth founded the white regimes of southern Africa, funded the Russo-Japanese war, controlled the largest mining company in the world (Rio Tinto), created De Beers Diamonds controlling the diamond markets of the world, financed the Suez Canal, and became the most powerful family. In the early 19th century, one credible publication stated that the Rothschilds “govern a Christian world . . . (and) hold the keys of peace or war, blessing or cursing.”

Whoever the human instruments are behind this skullduggery – the Rothschilds, Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, Freemasonry, or the Illuminati — let us not forget the words of Ephesians 6:12: “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” That is what this ministry does. We don’t talk about demons. We do something about them. We fight real demons in real people who are tormented. Join us in the war against the devil, his demons, and the Illuminati.

An Encouraging Word


A culture that has lost its fear of God and replaces it with a fascination for fear is in danger of collapse. Our movies and TV shows have ritualized a version of the supernatural that we deny in real life. Some of the top-grossing movies are all about ghosts, demons, and unexplained phenomena, all concocted to scare film patrons out of their wits. Yet real fear of real evil is a joke to most. Witness the characterization of ghosts as white bobbing blobs and the devil as a horned, goateed sports mascot. “Have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness,” Ephesians 5:11 warns. Evil is something to be avoided, not commercialized.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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