
These Curses Will Destroy Your Health


There are three categories of curses that have the potential to destroy your health. I call these intended curses, invited curses, and enabled curses. I’ll explain the nature of each kind of curse and then tell you why I believe your emotional and physical health may be at risk if these curses are unbroken.

INTENDED CURSES: These curses come from deliberate, malignant intentions. The source might be someone who hates you for whatever reason; an ex-lover, spouse, friend, business associate – anyone who has aught against you for any reason. Their intentionality may include actual rituals, spells, or incantations. Intended cursed may have been invoked by ancestors whose actions genetically sent forth evil consequences.

INVITED CURSES – These are the curses that your own evil and sin summoned. You may have opened doors to invited curses by indulging in the occult or New Age, getting involved in toxic relationships, abusing alcohol or drugs, as examples. When you fail to cancel these curses and, worse yet, harbor them in your new life as a Christian, you are inviting maledictions of evil. And the demons attached to these behaviors enter by a door you personally opened.

ENABLED CURSES — The enabling of a curse occurs when you fail to take action once you become educated about curses and their consequences. You allow the evil of the curse to enlarge by neglect of spiritual discipline such as remaining in unhealthy soul-tie relationships. You may also fail to deal with unhealthy emotions such as bitterness, anger, rejection, or self- hatred. To enable a curse is to sanction and entitle it. That may not be your plan, but your actions could say otherwise, and Satan will take advantage of that.

Why is your emotional and physical health at stake if these curses aren’t broken? First, the general consequences of sin, including invited and enabled curses, brings disease and suffering. You may be sick because of invited curses of substance abuse or sexual promiscuity. Cirrhosis of the liver, as a case in point, may afflict an individual because of alcohol abuse. AIDS or venereal disease are often the result of sin. People who indulge evil behavior often suffer from a weakened immune system or infections.

Here is what Scripture says:

  •  Psalm 107:17 declares, “Fools, because of their transgression, and because of their iniquities, were afflicted.”
  • Psalm 38:3 adds, “There is no health in my bones because of my sin.”
  • Micah 6:13 warns, “I will make you sick, striking you down, Desolating you because of your sins.”
  • And if we want to get really graphic about the consequences of curses on physical health, Zephaniah 1:17 says, “I will bring distress on men so that they will walk like the blind, because they have sinned against the Lord; and their blood will be poured out like dust and their flesh like dung.”

In the emotional realm, negative attitudes of the mind, brought on by the effect of curses, leads to hopelessness, depression, and anxiety. The body’s hormone balance is upset, brain chemicals damage the immune system. Infections and sickness follow with colds, flu, and worse. The chronic stress from an enabled curse may shorten one’s lifespan. Doctors call this the mind/body connection. Your physician may not treat curses, but he may have to treat you for high blood pressure, a stomach ulcer, other gastro-intestinal issues, or a mental breakdown, even psychosis or schizophrenia.

It’s clear from the Bible and medicine that evil living has physical and emotional consequences. The solution is forgiveness of sin, healing of broken relationships, inner healing, deliverance, and the breaking of curses whether they are intended, invited, or enabled.

An Encouraging Word


Readers of these “encouraging words” likely know that I deal frequently in ministry with the effects of generational sin and curses. The evil of ancestors is often passed down to descendants who are then predisposed toward certain sins. But there is another side to this equation of spiritual inheritance. Isaiah 51:8 declares of the Lord, “My righteousness will last forever, my salvation through all generations.” That is encouraging. Each of us has a choice. We may continue the iniquities of our forebears or we may embrace the righteousness and salvation of godly ancestors. Make the right choice today.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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