
Think You Have Demons? Quickly Do These 3 Things!


You’re likely reading this blog because you suspect that you might have demons. Perhaps you are tormented in supernatural ways. Possibly a friend or loved one who has shown an interest in the topic of deliverance. Maybe you’ve come across our online teaching or other social media exploring the topic of demons. Whatever has piqued your interest in the idea of certain people having demons, don’t brush this urging aside. It could be curiosity. It might also be the Holy Spirit prodding you to seek this kind of spiritual help. Your problem may need a solution deeper than the advice most churches offer. If there is a possibility that you might have demons, where do you start to address the issue?

First, engage in focused, well-informed curse breaking.  Second, find an individual or a prayer group that knows how to take you through what is called “inner healing.” Third, take spiritual inventory of your life. Make a list of your damaged relationships, your interest in non-Christian views of spirituality, and any trauma you’ve experienced, especially during your developmental years. These three steps won’t necessarily resolve your situation, but they will lead you to further explore biblical solutions. If you want to learn more about ways to understand deliverance and exorcism, go immediately to boblarsonuniversity.org and enroll in our online educational track about spiritual warfare. You can also check online at boblarson.org and explore our library of books and opportunities of virtual or in-person ministry. In the meantime, let me further explain these three things you need to do immediately.

#1 – CURSE BREAKING: A curse is an evil intention invoked over your life or your bloodline. It may have been deliberate like a voodoo doll or a satanic ritual. It may have been consequential.  By this I mean that an ancestor committed some terrible evil and the consequences of that sin continue down through the generations to affect you now. Deuteronomy chapter 28 in the Old Testament speaks of what we call generational curses. You can learn very precise ways to address this matter in our book entitled “Curse Breaking.”

#2 – INNER HEALING: This a prayer process that involves discovering what emotionally disturbing events may have traumatized your life to some degree. It could be some abuse you suffered as a child. It could be something like rejection, neglect, a broken family system, or emotional instability in your past. These memories and negative, life-defining moments need to be reframed with a perspective of Christ’s healing and grace. It’s what I call redefining the point of the pain, viewing the emotional wounds of your past in the perspective of God’s mercy. In the absence of inner healing, Satan can exploit these previous mental injuries as an opening for demons

#3 – PERSONAL SPIRITUAL INVENTORY: Make a list of all the ways that you may have opened doors to the devil. These include past involvement in cults, alternative religions, New Age practices, and any non-biblical beliefs. List all your past sexual partners with whom you may have formed a soul-tie that needs broken. Include any evil actions or indulgences such as drug or alcohol abuse, illegal or criminal behavior, or immoral indulgences. In addition to seeking the forgiveness of Christ you should ask the Lord to show you what demons might have entered by these deeds of disobedience. Repent of each spiritual rebellion in your inventory and ask the blood of Jesus to close every opening that demons might have used because of your past sins 

Doing these three things isn’t an end-all to spiritual liberation, but it’s a start. It likely won’t fix all your spiritual problems. But it moves things in the direction of a solution. It’s a direct, introspective way of getting free from the bondage that you’re experiencing. Do what you can on your own, and then contact us for further guidance by referral to one of our ministry teams or a qualified associate minister. You can also explore the possibility of meeting with me personally. If you have demons, it’s not a situation that you can put on hold or mentally shelve for reconsideration at a later time. Take action now, if you think you have demons.

An Encouraging Word


Ephesians chapter two has always been one of my portions of the Bible. I especially like the truth of verse six, that every Christian is seated “together” with Christ in “heavenly places.” I realize that in our day to day struggles it doesn’t often feel like we are raised in righteousness and, spiritually speaking, right there next to Christ in heavenly realms. Of course, our condition in the flesh doesn’t always match the position of our spiritual standing with Christ. That’s when we need to remind ourselves, and the devil, that no matter what the circumstances, Christ is always that near, seated right next to us and cheering us on in a front-row seat.

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Bob Larson

Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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