
This Demon And Its Snakes Will Surprise You!


The demon Jezebel has many forms and prototypes of evil. These are alternate identities with different names that have emerged throughout history.  My book “Jezebel—Defeating Your #1 Spiritual Enemy” lists some of them: Isis, Artemis, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Kali, Delilah, Diana, Athena—it’s a long list. Each has the basic characteristics of Jezebel, which are sexual lust, control, manipulation, spiritual murder, seduction, and so on. Each of Jezebel’s adaptations of evil has a slightly different motif of deception and operation. 

One of the most vicious is Jezebel in the form of the pre-Christian Greek goddess Medusa. She was depicted in ancient Greece as a human female with poisonous snakes protruding from her hair. According to legend, one look at her and her venomous vipers can turn a person, usually a male, into stone. In one version of the Medusa myth, she is seen as a marine spirit with whom Neptune/Poseidon, Greek god of the seas, had sex in the temple of Athena. As punishment for this profanation, the beautiful hair of Medusa was changed into frightening snakes. This hideous demon has been featured in several TV commercials, including a promotion for Amazon Prime. 

I have faced this demon as a variant of Jezebel many times. Recently she manifested in a woman who had struggled for many years with relationships. She had been married three times and added to that a string of lovers who violently abused her. This led to extreme immorality and many abortions. When the demon first manifested, I thought it was Jezebel. The demon played coy and finally said, “I’m Medusa.” The demon revealed that each of the seven men in her life was one of her “snakes.” As she went from man to man, each previous soul-tie relationship added yet another snake spirit to Medusa’s coiffure. 

If you have a sexually checkered personal history, Medusa might be involved. Begin fighting back by renouncing every soul tie with each partner. One by one, cut off the spiritual snakes each individual represents. Declare the purity of Christ over these past indiscretions. Receive healing and cleansing according to the promise of Isaiah 1:18-19: Come now, let us reason together,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land.” And if you sense you need deliverance, contact us immediately. We’ll show you how to cut off the hair locks of Lucifer and send the snakes of Medusa slithering back to Hell!

An Encouraging Word


Are you looking for a great way to start the day? Try Psalm 145:2: Every Day will I bless You. Not just today but EVERY DAY, bless the Lord. To “bless” is to consecrate or declare holy. To be blessed is to receive favor and goodness. Blessings are our guardians and protections, the opposite of being cursed. To bless is to be blessed. To bless the Lord is to receive even greater blessings from Him. Who wouldn’t want that every day all year long?

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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