
This is the Key to Breaking Curses


Let me share with you the key to breaking curses. Almost every personal ministry session I conduct, in-person or virtual, begins with prayers to break curses. I’ll not go into the biblical basis of renouncing bloodline evil due to time constraints. The systematic theology of verbally declaring that past family evils are null, and void, is demonstrably an excellent starting point for any deliverance approach. Those involved in ministering to spiritually bond individuals know this truth empirically. They have seen it work many times to free individuals from spiritual bondage.

I personally encourage anyone who believes they are under satanic attack to get a DNA test from one of the many resources available online. Tracing your ancestry gives pertinent clues as to potential generational evil that lurks hidden in your past. Throughout the online curriculum of Bob Larson University, the matter of breaking curses is referred to in many different applications. The University department that we call the Advanced Academy of Deliverance lists 17 geographically and ethnologically distinct regions of the world and which curses operate according to these distinctives. For a moment, let us consider what biological sciences and genetics say about this. My book “Dealing with Demons” discusses the DNA findings of the science known as epigenetics. Check my book for more details.

Epigenetics refers to the study of changes in gene expression that involve modifications in gene function caused by environmental factors, lifestyle, or other external influences. According to researchers, these modifications can impact an individual’s development, health, and susceptibility to diseases. Epigenetics also explains the influence of inherited psychological traits passed on genetically. It explains how genes related to behavior and mental health are expressed in successive generations. According to the latest science, certain experiences or environmental factors encountered by parents or ancestors can cause epigenetic changes in their DNA, which are then passed down to offspring. If we “follow the science” we’ll see how this explains one of the ways that curses are transmitted by bloodlines.

Inherited epigenetic modifications may affect brain development, stress response, emotions, and other psychological traits. What interests me is the way that this research reveals how what happened in the past can transmit behavioral tendencies or predispositions across generations. This understanding of DNA science at least partially explains how an individual’s susceptibility to certain mental health conditions or behavioral traits can have roots in one’s genetics. Not all epigenetics research is conclusive, and this field of research is still developing. But the initial findings support the biblical conclusion that we are, in part, who our forebears have been.

Faith in Christ and the cleansing of His blood at the deepest part of our DNA identity can change negative outcomes, but it’s not as automatic as some Christians believe. Romans 8:9-10 states, “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (NKJV).

This passage teaches that human heart decisions and confessional affirmations are important in salvation. It is the same with curse breaking. If you “believe with your heart” and “confess with your mouth” that Jesus is the Christ, and that His death upon the cross has atoned for sin, you will be saved. Concurrently, confessing with your mouth the cancellation of generational curses will end many bloodline evils. They will be excised from your DNA so you can walk in greater spiritual freedom. In short, here’s what to do. Repent for the evil of ungodly ancestors. Be as specific as possible about renouncing their egregious sins. Place that inherited evil under the blood of Jesus and declares that all the evil of all the ancestors is canceled. This is the key to breaking curses.

An Encouraging Word


As I was recently walking down the streets of a busy city, I saw a man carrying a hand-written sign saying, “Jesus Saves.” You’ve probably also seen such. The man didn’t stop and said nothing. He simply bore witness to a basic spiritual truth. It shouldn’t get more complicated than that. The apostle Paul declared in 1 Timothy 1:9, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” In America’s culturally sophisticated Christianity we emphasize, and sometimes over-emphasize, the most minute aspects of Christian living. But we must never forget that none of it matters without the foundation that will get us to heaven: Jesus saves. Are you saved?

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Bob Larson

Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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