As most of you know, I have close ties to the people of Ukraine. I have ministered there on a yearly basis for more than a dozen years. I have been referred to by Ukrainian church leaders as the apostle of deliverance to the Ukrainian people. I have ministered in more than 50 cities in Ukraine, including all the places that you’ve heard about on the news. I have been a visiting professor of spiritual warfare at the largest Bible college and seminary in Eastern Europe. I humbly say all of this so that you know my roots in Ukraine are deep. But I am increasingly concerned about the direction this present war has taken. When I find the political, far left, anti-Christian factions in America supporting Ukraine, the most Christian country in Europe, I get suspicious. As Shakespeare famously said, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.”
Now in its fourth month, the war in Ukraine, starting on February 24, drags on. Will it end with a settlement or victory on either side? Whichever occurs, I believe that the stage for World War III is being set as we watch. A wider conflict seems inevitable. Unlike some preachers who may claim supernaturally-revealed words on the matter, I’m going to give you hard facts about what’s really going on. The truth isn’t obvious but must be seen against the backdrop of political and economic factors. First consider some facts you aren’t hearing in the mainstream media. Here’s why Ukraine is so important. This nation at the crossroads of Europe and Russia has the following distinctions:
#1 in Europe in proven recoverable reserves of uranium.
#1 in Europe in arable land.
#2 in Europe in total land area.
#2 in Europe in titanium ore reserves.
#2 in iron ore reserves in the entire world.
#3 in Europe regarding shale gas reserves.
#4 in worldwide value of natural resources.
Ukraine is a country worth controlling, and Russia knows it. The fighting has now become a war of attrition with no end in sight. And the cost is worldwide, a fact which has the potential to draw all of humanity into the fray. Nearly 7 million Ukrainians have left the country. Russia has seized the industrial heartlands and is blocking Ukraine access to the sea. Russia is not backing down, and neither are the brave Ukrainians. Russia has aligned with the two largest countries in the world, China and India. And after pouring tens of billions of American dollars into Ukraine, President Biden is only hoping, by admission of his Secretary of State, for a political solution lest he offend the Russians. Meanwhile, Putin threatens nuclear war and, unless deposed, won’t stop no matter what the cost. To give him what he wants would mean him asking for more at some point. What and when that breaking point would be no one knows, but it would inevitably lead to a world war of some kind.
My emphasis here isn’t Bible prophecy. I’ve discussed in earlier blogs how the stage is being set for a Russian coalition to invade Israel. Here are the basic facts you need to know as I see it:
- The Biden administration never intended for Ukraine to win this war. They only need to give enough weapons to keep it going and deflect attention from America’s domestic problems. Putin knows that and is acting accordingly. He is only too happy to let the President blame him for America’s present woes.
- The current conflict is all about oil. Russian has made its way around the embargos. But now our government wants to buy oil from our enemies, such as Venezuelan communists. Barely more than a year ago America was self-sufficient in oil and even exporting oil. Now Washington wants to make oil deals with Iranian Islamic militants. The climate change agenda took over and forced us into energy dependency. The energy map of the world has been redrawn. This pits America against China, India, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, all of whom have ideologies that are oppositional to Christianity. The demise of America would delight them. Then, the dollar as a default currency would no longer be essential to the world economy.
- The embargos on Russia haven’t worked. Europe still receives about 95% of its natural gas from Russia. And with America and Europe committed to the insanity of immediately ending fossil fuel investments, Russia and their partners in crime against Ukraine will have a stranglehold on the West. Solar windmills will be a joke in the face of such a cabal of evil. Renewable energy is decades away at best, and that gives plenty of time for Russian’s conquering ambitions to intensify. Has anyone noticed that Arabian Oil Co. has taken over Apple as the world’s most valuable company? Middle eastern regimes consider it laughable that zero-carbon countries like the U. S. are now begging for Saudi Arabian oil production to be increased.
- The taking of Crimea in the south and the Donetsk region in the east is exactly how Hitler started, when European nations conceded to him by giving up a small chunk of land called the Sudetenland. This was the historical German name for the northern, southern, and western areas of former Czechoslovakia which were inhabited primarily by Sudeten Germans. Neville Chamberlain, the Prime Minister of England, appeased Hitler leading to WWII. The European Union and President Biden, are the Chamberlains of our age.
This is a war that could cripple America. Not because there is fighting on our soil, but because the economic consequences could be devastating. And Putin could use this as a pretext to launch nuclear warheads into America, complicit with the Chinese. As the stage is being set for WWIII we need to be aware that Daniel chapter 11 prophesied a series of such battles. Some will take place before Armageddon and some after. Even more crucial are references to a king of the north attacking Israel. Ezekiel 38-39 seems to clearly identify this as Russia, at least at the end of the tribulation. Many Bible scholars believe that, in fact, both Russian and Ukrainian people are Rus people descended from ancient Scythians.
Thus, if the Russians/Ukrainians are Rus (Rosh in Ezekiel 38) the devil must find a way for Russia to defy America, conquer all or part of Ukraine, and then make his move on a climate-change weakened United States. That is happening now, and the stage is set for an even greater implementation of this demonic agenda. This is especially true if part of the biblical Magog includes what we now know as China. The only bulwark against this is enlightened Christians who truly understand what is at stake spiritually and politically. We can’t let Ukraine be another Vietnam by proxy. Our economy can’t afford it and the rush to Armageddon must be slowed. The souls of many who don’t know the Lord hang in the balance. The end is near, but not yet. The command to occupy (Luke 19:13 parable) until He comes mean constant exertion to preach the Gospel, heal the sick and cast out demons.