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A New Delhi court in India will soon make an unusual decision. Is one of the best-known, and wealthiest, gurus alive, but in a meditative trance, or dead. Currently, his body is stored in a commercial freezer located at this ashram headquarters. Leaders of his cult (officially known as Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan)
guard the body, claiming he is in a state of transcendental bliss, samadhi, presently “at one with the universe,” the goal of yoga. They believe that he has moved his “prana” (vital breath energy) up his spine through his chakras (psychic centers of the spine) and is now a universal soul. Physicians who have examined his body say that the lack of respiration and heartbeat means he’s dead. No way, say sect adherents. They claim he is merely meditating in a state of suspended animation. But the real battle is for his $170 million estate. Family members want him declared dead to collect the inheritance money. Cult followers want him alive to steal the guru’s fortune before a declaration of death, because no successor to his organization was named. It gets tricky because some Hindu government officials say that, from a spiritual standpoint relative to Hinduism, Ashutosh’s followers can’t be forced to accept the belief that he is dead.
It is true, and has been proven medically, that some yogis can temporarily stop their breathing and heartbeat. But can these spiritual leaders actually cheat death and achieve immortality, through yoga and meditation, as some have claimed? If you want the real low-down on yoga, read Larson’s Book of World Religions (to order CLICK HERE.) Followers of the dead guru should be embarrassed for their claims that he is alive, a clear denial of fact. But American Christians who buy into yoga, through groups such as Atoning Yoga (“extending grace”), Holy Yoga (“authentically connect to God”), and Yahweh yoga (“Get Centered with Christ”) should be equally ashamed for their erroneous assumptions about the “Christianizing” of this demonic practice. I’ve written on this topic at length, and if you want in-depth info, get the World Religions book. My point here is that the followers of Ashutosh Maharaj refuse to admit they have a dead leader. Christians who apologize for the paganism of what yoga is really all about are failing to admit they have a risen savior who doesn’t need a lotus position to prove his atoning grace!
An encouraging word: BE BLESSED“Blessed are all who take refuge in Him” (Psalm 2:12). Instead of “refuge,” the King James Version says “put their trust.” Refuge or trust – either way you say it, confidence in God, believing in Him and His provisions, is the way to blessing. Today, people want so many things, and try so many ways to get it. Witness the flurry of speculation and anticipation about every new smartphone release. Instead of pursuing the latest and greatest technology has to offer, we’d all be a lot better to simply seek Him and be “blessed.”
Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.