
We Need YOU for Survival

Let’s clear up a misunderstanding. Some assume that our ministry is funded solely by the suggested donations of those who schedule Personal Spiritual Encounter sessions. NOT SO! Like any ministry, our lifeblood is the tithes and offerings, tax-deductible gifts that many generously share. Sometimes it’s a desperately needed (LIKE NOW) gift of $1,000 or more. Sometimes its $500, or $100, or even $50. Many are only able to share $25 at one time, or less. But every gift is crucial to our survival.
We are humbled that the Lord has graciously given us an unprecedented public platform to confront millions worldwide with the message of freedom in Christ. From the pages of “People” magazine to the “New York Times,” from “Oprah” to “Anderson Cooper” we’ve never backed down from exposing the works of Satan! All that plus our recent appearance on Dr. Phil (read my current blog), which was seen by millions more.
Our YouTube views are approaching 23 million! Never in Christian history have so many been aware of the hope in Jesus for spiritual liberation.
No churches send us offerings. No congregation puts us on their missions budget. No evangelical philanthropy provides funding. We must go it alone, just you and us and the Lord.
Let’s be honest. I know of no other outreach that reaches so many with so little, especially bringing a tough message that most others completely avoid!
Since our major expansion last summer to accommodate the huge increase in interest, we’ve struggled to survive and grow for Jesus. WE NEED YOUR HELP NOW!
Thank you for sending your best gift today.

To give your best gift, click here.
For your Personal Encounter, click here.
You can always call 303-980-1511.
To enroll in our School of Exorcism or Advanced Academy click here.

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Picture of Bob Larson

Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

Support the ministry

Help support our urgent mission to bring freedom in Christ to hurting people around the world. Many silently suffer and need a safe place to get help and find freedom. Your donation will enable millions to be effectively helped, trained, and launched through the various outreaches of Dr. Bob Larson’s Spiritual Freedom Church.