
What is the Spirit of Manifestation?


What is meant by the spirit of manifestation? In the ministry of deliverance, we speak of a spirit manifesting. By this we mean the demon expresses itself through the mind and body of the host in some recognizable way. It could be a look, a thought in the mind, spoken words, or some musculoskeletal expression. We describe this as the evil spirit “manifesting.” What then is the spirit of manifestation?

 The short definition is that a spirit of Manifestation claims to give the host the power to manifest some existential reality. It could be money, romance, power, or healing some sickness. Anything the person wants. Of course, the one manifesting, usually an individual enamored with New Age beliefs, doesn’t think the power to create a reality is evil or demonic. To them it is a visible form of wishful thinking. But embracing the idea of creating reality through the power of the mind opens the door to demons. One of those demons could be what I call the spirit of Manifestation—a demon I’ve dealt with!

In recent decades this idea of manifesting reality by the power of the mind has taken many forms. One variation is Norman Vincent Peale’s “power of positive thinking.” Another would be the writings of Napoleon Hill about how to “think and grow rich.” I don’t have time to analyze both thinkers, and I admit that much of what they said has some value. Not so with Rhonda Byrne who penned the “bible” of the manifestation movement entitled “The Secret.” Her 2006 self-help book, made popular by television personality Oprah, was based on pseudoscience. She claimed that by thoughts alone anyone can influence the objective circumstances of life.

Byrne had borrowed her ideas from the teachings of Wallace Wattle who wrote “The Science of Getting Rich” in 1910. Wallace was an advocate of metaphysical spiritualism at the turn of the 20th century and was part of the occult New Thought movement. He had followed the thinking of the German philosopher Hegel who was trained in Seminary but eventually became a harsh critic of Christianity and a student of hermetic occultism. Another leader of the creative thought movement was Helena Blavatsky, a Russian spiritualist who helped to start the Theosophical Society. She got her ideas by adopting Hindu and Buddhist concepts. In Tibet she learned to spiritually communicate with the so-called Ascended Masters of Higher Consciousness.

All these advocates of manifesting the power of the mind taught what has become known as “creative visualization.” All one must do is form a mental picture of what one wants, and unseen energies will work to make it happen. This concept makes no room for biblical prayer to a sovereign god. As 1 Peter 4:11 says, “That in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever.” Manifesting reality is self-indulgent, magical thinking in which everyone becomes his own god with superstitious silliness. Worse yet, it opens one’s soul to possession by the demon of Manifestation. This demon then attempts to invent what appears to be created realities in keeping with the selfish motives of the creative visualizer. The spirit of Manifestation is a demon of mind control that surreptitiously tries to weave its thoughts with those of the host. If you’ve tried to create mental realities or studied “The Secret” then you may have this demon, and you certainly need an exorcism sooner rather than later.

An Encouraging Word


“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” So says the apostle Paul in Philippians 2:5. Now, that’s a tall order. As Christian we have the Spirit of Jesus, by and through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit when we are saved. We have the resurrection life in Christ to spend eternity in heaven. But that is what Jesus does for us. What we have to do for ourselves, no small feat, is to strive to have His thoughts and feelings, the “mind” of Christ. It’s not something to be achieved all at once. But today, may I suggest you read again the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter five and start with the “blessed.” Do your best to adopt at least one blessed behavior a week, and in no time you’ll be a lot nearer than you are now to the mind and thinking which was in Christ Jesus.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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