
When Exorcists Attack!


Wednesday, January 29th 2014

Skype Exorcisms Are Worthless,

Say Full-Time Exorcists


I have no idea what the photo above represents. An exorcism, maybe? The headline below it is a jab at me. “Worthless?” Ask the many in bondage to demons who have done Skype exorcisms with me, and who have been set free. “Full-Time Exorcists?” In the article I am about to reference, I have no idea who qualifies. The article in a web site called Vocative was generated by my appearance last Friday night on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360.” CNN-TV flew in a crew from New York and Atlanta to report on our ministry. Neither I nor CNN had planned the story around Skype exorcisms, but I happened to have one scheduled the day they filmed. The producer and interviewer were so fascinated with what they saw that Skyping to get rid of demons became the theme of the story.

The article accuses me of using the CNN interview to “advertise” some newly developed technique of Internet exorcisms. The truth is that I’ve been doing exorcisms by Internet conferencing for years and never thought of it as anything unusual. Just yesterday, the day this article came out, I did a Skype exorcism of a man wonderfully delivered from a Baal demon. Of course, it’s always better to do any ministry face-to-face. But for those in other countries (I do Skype exorcisms all over the world from Australia to Africa, India to Europe.), getting help by Internet is the next best thing to being there.

The article also calls it an “Internet scam.” Those who are aware of the long and credible history of this ministry know the integrity and legitimacy of our efforts to bring healing and deliverance. (Interestingly, the people who wrote the article slamming me never bothered to contact me for comment, a practice legitimate journalism follows – give the primary source a chance to respond.) Instead they spoke to people such as author Thomas Allen, who wrote Possessed, supposedly about a series of exorcisms in 1949. Allen, whom the article never says ever performed a single exorcism himself, declared confidently, “An exorcism is a religious rite. Neither Skype nor the Internet could possibly be used.” A reader of the article, who goes by the name Ted, posted: As a professional exorcist of over twelve years experience, with 100% perfect results, I have helped several of Bob Larson’s victims. As for Catholic exorcisms, they are a joke. Their so-called ‘holy water’, special prayers, big crosses and other junk that they use, make the spirits laugh. In one fell swoop this individual claims that those you see on our YouTube exorcism channel (CLICK HERE if you want to watch.) are “victims” and that his efforts to expel demons are “perfect.” Slamming the Catholic Church is shameful and disingenuous. It is Catholic priest who kept this ancient spiritual tradition alive, long after other Christians abandoned it! I’ll have more to say about this controversy tomorrow.

For now, I issue an appeal for those who have been helped by this ministry through deliverance and inner healing. Please take a moment and email me your thoughts at: [email protected]  or call 303-980-1511. If you’ve witnessed an exorcism in one of our seminars and your life was touched as a result, we would appreciate hearing from you with a testimony and word of encouragement. And if you are in need of an exorcism or prayers of deliverance, via Skype, phone, or in person, please call 303-980-1511. Check the Personal Encounters section above for locations where we can help you on-on-one. This ministry is under attack and we appreciate your prayers and financial support.


My blog today is about some vicious attacks leveled at me by Christians. It happens a lot. How do I handle it? One way is to remember what Nehemiah said while rebuilding the temple. His critics insisted that he stop his God-appointed mission and answer their accusations. He answered, “I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?” This happened five times. (The devil is persistent.) Reasonable questions should be answered, but the attacks of Satan are only worth the response Nehemiah gave. Say it kindly, but say it firmly, “No!”

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.


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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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