
Why Psychics are Demonic.


When Allison Dubois was 17, she heard a voice saying, “Move your bed.” She did. That night, a truck driven by a drunk woman crashed through her bedroom wall, right where her bed had been. There were also other times she heard a “voice” as a child, including her great-grandfather who sat at the edge of her bed when she was six-years-old. As an adult, this led to an interest in psychically solving crimes. Eventually, actor Kelsey Grammar (Frasier fame) asked her to do a TV show about her life. That project became the NBC’s series “Medium.” Best-selling books followed. Now Dubois is launching Dead University, a school for the psychically gifted. She teaches that when you’re dead you permanently revert to your happiest age. She declares that the afterlife is “beautiful and vibrant” and that the “heaven” of loved ones isn’t complete without us. Students of Dead U. are taught to continually connect with the departed and include them in their daily lives. All this is happening, right next door to us, so to speak, near our offices located in Scottsdale, Arizona. Deliverance and a psychic university in the same zip code.

What are the reasons people want to talk to the dead? They may be overwhelmed with grief by the recent passing of a loved one and seek assurance that the departed are all right. They may feel they need to get advice from someone who helped them while they were alive. Others seek unknown information about the present or future from the dead. They think the dead are on a higher spiritual plane with an advanced perspective. This is what King Saul did when he sought help from the dead prophet Samuel by consulting a witch, a psychic.  First Samuel 28:7 describes it this way: Then Saul said to his servants, “Find me a woman who is a medium, that I may go to her and inquire of her.” And his servants said to him, “In fact, there is a woman who is a medium at Endor” (NKJV).  That inquiry cost Saul his kingdom and his life. I Samuel 15:23 says, “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He has also rejected you from being king” (KJV).

There are other reasons some seek psychics. Those with malevolent intention may think that beings in another spiritual realm will help them to get revenge on someone. This is a form of black magic that operates at the highest level. Some who go to mediums follow a religious philosophy that teaches communication with ascended spiritual masters. Groups like the so-called “I Am” cult and the Great White Brotherhood consult with beings whom have gone to the afterlife and a more perfected existence. They are then supposedly able to help less evolved beings on earth

When the rich man suffering in hell asked to go back and warn his other family members still alive, Jesus taught that there was a “great chasm” between the living and the dead and neither can pass over to the other (Luke 16:26). In other words, seeing and talking to the dead is a farce, a sham, a scam. According to the Bible, Deuteronomy 18:9-12, such actions known as divination are forms of witchcraft forbidden by the Lord. Why? Because they replace trust in God and His Word with unverifiable messages from the dead. Messages that often directly contradict Scripture, as mentioned earlier in the teachings of Dead University. In short, if you could consult a psychic for information about how life is to be lived, why would you need the Bible and God as sources of supernatural information? Isaiah 8:19 (NIV) says, “When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living?” So, if you’re even in the Phoenix, Arizona area, you have a choice. You can sign up for Dead University, and risk eternal damnation in Hell, or you can enroll in the International School of Exorcism and learn how to set people free from the deceiving demons of psychics.

An Encouraging Word


Much has been said about David’s description of God’s creative genius that fashioned the heavens, spoken of in Psalm 8:3. I’d like to focus on the first three words of that Psalm: “When I consider.” Consider. That’s what too few do today. They rush pell-mell into life from one thing to another without stopping to consider. That’s a spiritual art. Today, stop for a moment to consider. Consider the love of family. The kindness of a friend. The beauty of the world around you. A blessings God has given. Most of all, consider that God so-loved the world He gave His son to save you.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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