A common theme of those who contact our ministry is that they’ve waited too long too
take seek spiritual help. Here’s what they say:
- I’ve known about you for years but never got around to calling.
- Every time I decided to reach out, something always got in the way.
- I’ve been to other ministries for help, but the problems kept coming back.
Not everyone gets all their problems solved in one Skype or personal one-on-one session, but many do. At least they know more than ever about why life went wrong.
One Encounter client said, “I got more in an hour than three years of therapy.”
Another commented, “You got quickly to the root of my problems.”
Why wait? Come to a seminar city near you. Come to our beautiful counseling facility in Phoenix, Arizona. (It’s warm and sunny this time of year.) Arrange a face-to-face Skype session from anywhere in the world.
DON’T WAIT! Don’t delay the answer to your physical, emotional and spiritual torment.
You can always call 303-980-1511.
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