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In an effort to keep readers of my blogs abreast of significant spiritual events, I check out all kinds of web sites and blogs. Yesterday I came upon a well-read site with an entry entitled, “How Harry Potter shaped a generation.” Written by a 20-something, the blog recounts the author’s obsession with the boy wizard and J. K Rowling’s seven books focused on spell casting and witchcraft as something that is neither objectionable nor evil. A few quotes caught my eye:
- “Harry Potter is part of a rare subset of entertainment that defines a generation.”
- “When I got my hands on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows I had been reading about Potter for seven years of my life!”
- “It’s not an exaggeration to say that Potter has impacted almost every major friendship in my life. It became a code word to test out new friendships.”
- “A generation who celebrated Harry Potter as a hobby is now old enough to turn those fandom-honed skills into careers.”
- “Seven years have passed since that final book, but my place in the Potter generation continues to shape my life for the better.”
If, like me, you consider the Potter books to be diabolical and a clever way for Satan to mainstream witchcraft, then these comment are disturbing. What they point out is a cultural shift in thinking for an entire generation; in some ways, for those who grew up reading these book, they set the theological benchmark for how today’s young adults think and act: 1) they have abandoned Christianity in droves, and 2) they have embraced an occult worldview, influenced in large measure by a boy with a wand casting spells. Satan must be somewhere in Hell laughing at how easy it was to change the belief system of millions of youth with just seven book (which, by the way have sold 450 million copies, the most of any book series in history). If you are reading Potter, stop. If you have read Potter, repent.
The psalmist David sinned. Most know of his adultery with Bathsheba. But few trace David’s torment that followed. He cried out in Psalm 6:3, “My soul is in anguish!” Make no mistake, sin has consequences. It doesn’t matter what you think about what you’ve done or how culture approves of your spiritual rebellion. Your actions may be politically correct. The effect of your sinful actions will likely carry on longer than you imagined, and be much worse than you anticipated. The best thing is to stop sinning, NOW. Don’t put your soul in anguish.
Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online