
Witchcraft Kills 5 Children


Details have just emerged about the brutal slaying of five children on December 8,2020. On that day, 25-year-old Oreanna Meyers shot dead her three biological children and two stepchildren, ranging ages one to seven. They were murdered with a single-shot, shotgun, which meant she had to deliberately reload each time. Then she shot herself and burned their West Virginia home to the ground. She left behind a suicide note saying, “I was not strong enough to fight these demons.”

Investigators recently revealed that Myers actively practiced witchcraft and posted photos of Stonehenge, bottles of dead insects used in rituals, and herself kneeling before candles during witchcraft ceremonies. Her Instagram account was named @glowing-goddess. She posted messages such as, “#magic #love the unknown,” “Fairies are my magical thing,” and “the power is within you.” Meyers also advised, “Get into weird mystical s**t,” “Life is short,” and “Reality is fake.”

Witches argue that they don’t advocate murder, and that’s correct. Others will say that this tragedy was the result of a mentally ill woman, and they’re also right. But why are five innocent children dead? No one does something this heinous without a history of dysfunctional personal issues and generational demonization. She likely already had demons which drew her to witchcraft, and then she opened the door to more evil spirits. In the Bible Isaiah 8:19 speaks of witchcraft demons that “whisper” and “mutter.” “There is no light in them” Isaiah declares.

If you read tarot cards, consult psychics, follow astrology, play with Ouija Boards, cast spells, or conjure spirits — stop now. These are things that Scripture defines as divination and witchcraft. Turn to Jesus. Get an exorcism. Contact us for a personal, virtual encounter. Get your demons before your demons get you. Witchcraft demons can kill!

An Encouraging Word


Liberty v. grace. The conflict over these Christian virtues has raged for centuries. That shouldn’t be. Paul settled this issue clearly in Romans 14:21, where he declared that we should do nothing if a fellow Christian is caused to stumble, be offended, or is “made weak.” Yet the many in evangelicalism seem intent today on blatantly boasting of things which can harm the faith of other Believers. We should not come into bondage to every petty preference of other Christians. But we should be more sensitive about dismissing the convictions of other Christians with a cavalier attitude.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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