
Witchcraft Returns


Witchcraft is the dominant religion of America. By popular designation it is the use of spells and supernatural skills to manipulate reality and consciousness with summoning rituals. I use the term “witchcraft” in the broader biblical sense encompassing all forms of the occult, sorcery, necromancy, spiritualism, wicca, satanism, divination, and New Age practices. Such indulgences are usually facilitated by a psychic, channeler, medium, shaman, energy healer, or witchdoctor.

How has witchcraft, in the biblical sense, gained so much popularity? What happened to rational thinking? We’ve gone from the scientific mindset of Isaac Newton, a devout Christian who discovered gravity, to the godlessness atheism of Stephen Hawking; from astrology to astronomy and back to astrology; from the scientific method of inquiry to ghost-hunting TV shows and the Christian adoption of yoga.

Witchcraft was not swept away with the 17th century witchcraft trials of Salem or the rise of secular humanism. Today, 20% of Americans believe in witches and nearly two million openly practice the craft. The same demons behind the occult oracles of Greece’s Delphi, 700 years before Christ, are active today in our secularized society. Every day, as I minister in virtual encounters, I cast out demons from Christians who have dabbled in witchcraft. They were tricked into consulting a fortune teller or psychic because they wanted relief from physical or emotional pain, or they wanted to make sense of a disrupted life. Many of them say, “In all my years of attending church, I never heard a single warning about witchcraft and the occult.” That’s disgraceful! With our School of Exorcism, we’re doing all we can to change that. As the devil rises full force during these Last Days, we must fight harder than ever to combat the return of witchcraft.

An Encouraging Word


When circumstances seem to thwart all your hard work and good intentions, it is easy to fall into despair. Add in fatigue and the resulting depression can be overwhelming. At a time like this faith needs to kick in with the evidence of what you do not see. Faith is the internal, confident assurance that what we cannot see will be. If you are discouraged, look again at Hebrews 11:1. (“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”) Know that in spite of your discouragement, what you hope for is waiting for you even though you can’t see it right now.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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