
Witchcraft Symbols



  Tuesday, October 22nd 2013



Classic depiction of the Wicked Witch of the West.


It’s that time of year when attention turns to all things demonic.  Around us are images of ghosts, goblins, skeletons, black cats, and of course, plenty of witches. You know, the ones with long, warted noses and pointy hats.  It’s a perception not rooted in reality. In fact, witches today are as likely to be the mild-mannered neighbor next door or the teacher at your child’s school. Wicca (Witches love that word, it’s so politically correct and less offensive.) has lost most if it’s evil trappings, except for the pointy hatted crone that appears so ubiquitously this time of year.  Thanks to The Wizard of Oz, would-be witches wanting to trick-or-treat think they need to be suitably attired with the indispensable pointed hat. This prototype entered the public’s perception in early 18th Century England and has stuck with us ever since. It was a “cone of power” that witches were said to covet when “drawing down the moon.”

My concern is less what witches wear than what witches do.  The Bible is full of references to witchcraft, including the Old Testament law calling for capital punishment of witches (Ex 22:18
Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.). Other passages speak of witchcraft as spiritual rebellion (1 Samuel 15:23) and an act of man’s sinful nature, akin to rage, hatred, and sexual immorality (Galatians 5:19). Deuteronomy chapter 18 classically lists witchcraft as an expression of occultism, condemned in the same category as human sacrifice.  With or without pointed hats, witches are considered by God to represent an “abomination,” that which is vile, shameful, and detestable.  Not exactly the way you should want your child to look toting a bag of candy from door to door on October 31. My advice?  If you are a parent who has allowed such satanic stereotypes in your house every October, throw out that black cape and pointed hat. Teach your children the truth about witchcraft and Halloween from a Scriptural perspective.  There’s no need for a pointed witch’s cone to crown the head of Christian children, even in jest or pretense.

An encouraging word: WITNESS AT HALLOWEEN
This is the time of year when almost everyone, including some misguided Christians, gets caught up in the spirit of the age, celebrating Halloween. Individuals of normal respectability think it is okay on October 31 to dress up sexually suggestive, seriously satanic, or outlandishly eccentric. But while everyone goes a little crazy this time of year, your difference in decorum can make a bold statement for the Lord. By not succumbing to the masquerading mentality you will cause some to ask why you don’t want to look like a witch or a demon. Turn the tables on the devil this Halloween by provoking others to ask what’s behind your decision to look normal. Better yet, give them one of our free, down-loadable Halloween tracts and let them see the truth for themselves! (see tomorrow’s blog for instructions on how to download)

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.



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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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