
Witchdoctor Marries Princess


A real-life witchdoctor to the stars in Hollywood is engaged to a real-life princess. You can’t make this up. Shaman Durek, (real name Durek Verrett), practices witchcraft on behalf of big-name actors and is about to marry Norway’s Princess Martha. I call him a witchdoctor because that’s what he is. Shaman is a nice, less offensive way of putting it. The bisexual Durek claims he is a sixth-generation shaman and has supernatural powers. He counts among his clients and friends people such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Selma Blair, and Rosario Dawson. Durek says he can communicate with the spirit world and cure cancer for just $1500 an hour. His bride-to-be is even wackier.

Princess Martha is the oldest child of the King and Queen of Norway. She is the divorced mother of three, whose husband killed himself on Christmas day 2019. Martha has her own demonic inclinations. She claims to be clairvoyant and calls herself a “high sensitivity light fountain.” To promote her views, she founded the Astarte Education Center teaching how to “create miracles with angels.” (Astarte is a Jezebel demon I commonly deal with. The name comes from a Greek-named fertility goddess worshiped by the Canaanites and Phoenicians. The name is another form of the demon Ishtar.) Martha claims to have met Durek during a past life. Taking a cue from Meghan Markle, the couple argues that any opposition by Norwegians to their marriage is “racism.” In fact, this witchdoctor was once convicted and sentenced to five years in prison for organizing a party in an abandoned house that was set on fire! They may want to keep an eye on him when he’s in the palace.

It should come as no surprise that the shaman is of Haitian lineage. Or so he says. He openly claims to be born into the tradition of voodoo. Among his other ideas are that chemotherapy doesn’t work and that children get cancer because they want it. It gets worse. He also says that sex can attract subterranean sprits that affect a woman’s private parts for which he prescribes exercise for spiritual cleansing. And worse, he says he is an alien reptilian from Andromeda and that he possesses energy from ancient spirits. No wonder he fits in well with Hollywood. It’s clear that this is a marriage made in hell, and after it inevitably crashes will become another asterisk on Durek’s resume.

It’s said that like attracts like. In this case, demons attract demons. It would be cynical to say that they deserve each other. In fact, they are both victims of their own demons. As Jesus said in Matthew 15:14, they are the blind leading the blind, and sadly both will fall in a ditch of self-destruction. With a curse of death and suicide coming from her ex-husband, the princess is in peril. And since both are Jezebels, I wonder, who gets to be Ahab?

An Encouraging Word


I’ve written and taught much about how curses follow from one generation to the next. But for those who trust in the Lord, blessings are even more tenacious. “My righteousness will last forever, my salvation through all generations,” Isaiah 51:8 promises. Yes, the evil of Satan is determined, but the enduring grace of God is much more resolute. Each of us must make a choice whether we, and our descendants, will be cursed by the persistency of the devil or the lasting favor of God.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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