
Worst Demon on Earth


Of all the demons I’ve faced, which is the worst? The answer is easy. The most vile, disgusting, and pernicious is the Demon of Incest. The influence of this evil spirit leads to perhaps the most disgusting and detrimental moral crime in human history. Incest is sexual activity between blood relatives, or those connected by family affinity such as adoption or blended families. As a cultural taboo, it is prohibited in almost every society.

One reason for rejecting incestuous inbreeding is the result of genetic disorders such as physical disability and even death. In ancient Egypt it was common. Throughout history, various royal dynasties have maintained power by incestuous unions. Today, incest is recognized as a form of child abuse. Among women who are victims, social scientistS put the number at around 20%. My experience as a pastor, counselor, and exorcist indicates that number is much higher. According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, 11% of rape victims were raped by their fathers or stepfathers. Another 16% were raped by relatives.

From the perspective of demonization, any act of incest, physical or vicarious, opens the door to demons. This includes lewd behavior, voyeurism, inappropriate touching, even immorally solicitous comments. Leviticus 18:6 says, “None of you shall approach anyone who is near of kin to him, to uncover his nakedness: I am the Lord.” The following verses condemn sexual activity between child and father or mother, sister and brother, and sex with a daughter-in-law, aunt, sister-or brother-in-law, or a sibling’s wife/husband. The demonic possession resulting from this is one of the most difficult forms of bondage to overcome.

This evil is often blocked in the mind by a dissociative identity, as a source of demonic torment. A profound healing process is often necessary to free victims of such horrible sexual abuse. If you are a victim, and you get a strong reaction by reading this, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can reach out to you with help with a virtual encounter. There is also a national Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network hotline: 800-656-HOPE you can also contact. Don’t put off dealing with this evil brought on by curses caused by the worst demon on Earth.

An Encouraging Word


God’s Word isn’t taken seriously anymore by the majority of people. We live in a post-biblical culture where things that God calls evil are slighted very day. “Woe until them that call evil good, and good evil,” Isaiah 5:20 warns. Witchcraft and the occult are evil and nothing but evil. As a culture we’ve lost recognition of what is indecent and spiritually dangerous. We’ve been tricked into thinking if something is overtly demonic it isn’t to be taken seriously. Think, for a moment, about things in your life which you have labeled “acceptable” which God calls abhorrent.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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