
Worst Demon You’ve Never Heard Of


I want to make you aware of the worst demon you’ve never heard of. Here’s how I met this demon. I was at our ministry center in Phoenix, Arizona, having an in-person encounter session. An individual came to me because she feared that she had demons. She was a delightful person, well-spoken and extremely prepared for our time of prayer. She had an advanced college degree and a great personality. My wife Laura and I were both impressed with her communication skills and her spiritual zeal. But as her story unfolded, she detailed failure upon failure, both personally and professionally. We quickly identified several powerful demons, including Lucifer, Leviathan, Beelzebub, and Jezebel, to name a few. But we weren’t making sufficient progress in the deliverance until I demanded that the most powerful demon come forth. It turned out not to be one of the big demons I suspected.

Readers of our blogs, and our International School of Exorcism students, have heard me speak about the names of demon. High level demons, principalities, have nominal designations. Their names are proper nouns. A second category consists of demons named after their actionable function such as murder, rage, or destruction. A third category involves demons which inhabit emotional strongholds such as rejection, depression, or jealousy. A fourth category of demons describes a state of being. This might involve something such as perplexity, indecision, or aggression. Of course, these states of mind may be purely human and not embedded by an evil spirit. But when a demon is involved the intensity of the mindset is overwhelming and destructive.

When I think I’ve heard of every demon, something new surprises me. In the case I just referred to it was the demon of Nothingness. As the name implies this demon fosters feelings of being insignificant, unimportant, and worthless. Nothingness. This evil spirit may not sound threatening, but it could be the worst demon you’ve never heard of.

If an individual thinks of himself as nothing, he can do nothing. Relationships will fail. Vocations will be unstable. Poverty will follow. Health will suffer. Most of all, that person’s spiritual life will deteriorate. How can anyone succeed at anything if they are “nothing?” Being tormented by a spirit of Nothingness is a path to defeat and failure in life. The one afflicted may have raw talent, powerful spiritual gifts, and even a call from God. But if the demon of Nothingness affects their self-perception, life will go nowhere fast. You can’t be SOMEONE if you think you are NO ONE.

The spirit of Nothingness brings a cascading sequence of miscarried opportunities. This demon must be cast out for the host person to thrive in life. First the demon of Nothingness must be confronted by spiritual truth. Consider these Bible verses:

  • Psalm 139:14 – I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
  • Jeremiah29:11 – For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
  • Luke 12:6 – Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God.

Nothing beats Nothingness like a daily dose of God’s Word.

Your health, your finances, your relationships, your calling from God may be hindered by the spirit of Nothingness, or some sort of demon that fulfills that function. Bind this spirit’s operation in the Name of Jesus. Declare its assignment canceled. Seek an exorcism if necessary to get it cast out. You might start by scheduling a virtual encounter with me or one of our associate ministers. Discover to what extent some form of nothingness has dominated your life. Our book “Demon Proofing Prayers” has dozens of daily, biblically grounded declarations that you can make which will cleanse your mind of the devil’s negative assumptions. Begin today to turn your life around from nothingness to somethingness and discovery your true destiny as a child of God.

An Encouraging Word


Few things are clearer in Scripture than the attribute of God regarding justice. As King David expressed it, “The Lord is known by His justice” (Psalm 9:16). It is the Lord’s omniscience that allows Him alone to execute perfect justness. He knows everything. What happened and what is truly happening. He knows what each person did, why they did it, when they did it, and the consequences of their actions. When God rules from the courts of Heaven, there can be no doubt that His verdict is spiritually lawful and equitable. No human courtroom or individual can make that claim. Instead of humanity questioning the justice of God, mankind would be better served by bowing before the Eternal Magistrate.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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