
You Have a Demon


You, yes you, have a demon. Perhaps not everyone reading this, but the majority. You are demonized and don’t know it. Forget about the notion that demon-possessed people are like zombies from the “Night of the Living Dead.” In most cases, demons don’t display their presence to the unsuspecting. They hide. They burrow deep in the mind and emotions. They come out when it suits their purposes but otherwise work their evil schemes undetected. Demons are like a metastasizing cancer that is initially painless and unnoticeable, but in the end, left unchallenged, kills.

Some years ago, a reporter from the New York Times asked me, “What percentage of the population do you think has demons?” I answered that a least half are demonized. For a moment I felt unsettled to make such a bold claim. But as I reflected, I realized my answer was wrong. Not overestimated. Underestimated! Those with demons include good people, even godly people. In many cases the demons were ancestrally inherited. The individual lives under a curse because of the witchcraft of their forebears. Possessed people often live with internalized evil for so long that they don’t know their own identity vs. what’s demonic. This bondage can go on for years, even decades until something threatens the demon’s stealth strategy.

A person with a demon, including a Christian, may struggle with moral lapses of lust or battle recurring addictions. They may occasionally have fits of rage or dark depression. Relationships may constantly crumble. Sometimes, paranormal things happen which they try to explain away. If they tell a pastor they are likely told to pray more, read the Bible more, give more, or have more faith. They try that, but the torment and dysfunction persist. At that point, “Who you gonna call?” An exorcist! But those are few and most operate with scant experience and knowledge.

That’s why we established the International School of Exorcism and the Advanced Academy of Deliverance and why we daily minister by virtual encounters. If your life is troubled, and nothing has helped, move beyond the “not me” attitude to considering prayers of deliverance. Healing is at hand. Freedom is available. Liberation from lifelong struggles is near. Be willing to admit that you might have a demon and contact us immediately! Health, hope, and victory over evil awaits!    

An Encouraging Word


In a world of uncertainty, there is one thing of which we can be certain. What God starts He finishes. Philippians 1:6 reminds us that the good work of Christ’s salvation in our lives will be completed. Paul says he is “confident of this very thing.” The day you were saved, a wonderful plan was set in motion. God’s purpose for you was initiated in the fullest sense. As you walk in obedience to Him, that destiny will gradually take shape. Don’t fear. Even now the Holy Spirit is working to bring about this incredible fulfillment.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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