
December 31, 2018

Inner Healing is Not Deliverance

Inner Healing Isn’t Deliverance! (Note: By inner healing we refer to a spiritually therapeutic approach to improving mental and emotional health by prayer, scriptural guidance, recovered memories, and empathetic listening.) If you’re involved in an effective ministry of inner healing, keep on bringing a measure of relief for emotionally wounded people. Help them face past …

Inner Healing is Not Deliverance Read More »

God has given me a vision for 2019!

Until now, I didn’t believe that this vision was possible. Too many obstacles. Too much opposition. But now I see 2019 as a year of exponential opportunities for God.    What changed my mind? We’ve experienced more blessings than ever in 2018. Seminar attendance and personal Encounters have grown dramatically.   In 2018 views of our YouTube exorcisms went from 8 to over 18 million!    …

God has given me a vision for 2019! Read More »