
Limits of Spiritual Authority


Every other week our YouTube exorcism channel presents “Ask the Exorcist,” with episodes featuring fascination questions I receive from around the world. A recent question was so important that I elected to present it in this blog. A viewer from Dorchester, England wrote: Does a husband have the right to break curses and remove demonic rights for his non-believing wife? How about a wife that is a Christian, but doesn’t believe in demons?

Any discussion of the lengths and limits of spiritual authority must begin with the definitional difference between authority and power. Put simply, authority is the ability to act upon a directive derived from a right which has been imputed or conferred. It is the right to adjudicate on behalf of a delegated decree. Power is the ability to implement and enforce such a determination. Scripture says in Matthew 7:29 that Jesus taught as “one having authority.” Luke 9:1 says we have “authority over all devils.” But what may limit the exercise of authority is whether there is the power of enforcement. For example, if you’re speeding and a random individual seeks to pull you over and make a citizen’s arrest, you may question the authority of that person; but if a clearly marked police car driven by an officer with a gun and badge stops you, you’ll comply. The policeman has both authority and power.

It is clear from Matthew 18:18-19 that followers of Christ have binding and loosing authority, especially when there is spiritual agreement. But when is that absolute authority over demons and the devil limited? And when is our ability to speak on behalf of others limited?

  • MARRIAGE: Ephesians 5:23 tells us that a husband has authority over a wife, he is the “head.” There are practical limits to this, but in the spiritual realm the husband may speak for the wife, particularly during deliverance. I’ve witnessed many instances when a demon more readily obeyed the command of a husband more than that of the exorcist. The husband has authority the evil spirit recognizes. This is true whether or not the wife is a Christian and regardless of whether she believes in the breaking of curses.
  • CHILDREN: So long as a child is under the age of 18, the parent speaks for the child in all matters both civil and spiritual. Our book “Set Your Family Free”(to order CLICK HERE) gives practical prayers and instructions on the importance of a parent breaking family curses over all children before they become of age,
  • ADOPTIVE PARENTS/LEGAL GUARDIANS: A parent may spiritually speak on behalf of a minor or mentally handicapped child who doesn’t have proper mental comprehension. The key test of legitimate spiritual authority is whether there is legal civil authority (Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2). Guardianship may be granted even when a child is beyond the legal age of adulthood. All legally adoptive parents and legal guardians may bind and loose curses, as well as demonic activity, in the life of the child they have charge over.

This matter of speaking authoritatively on behalf of another is also explained in our book “Curse Breaking” (to order CLICK HERE) and in our International School of Exorcism (to enroll CLICK HERE). It’s crucial to understand these lengths and limits of spiritual warfare so that all those whom we love, and walk in relationship wit, can experience the full freedom of Christ.


When you walk as a believer in the ways of God and the will of God, don’t expect the people around you to “get it.” First Corinthians 1:18 (AMP) says, “For the story and message of the cross is sheer absurdity and folly to those who are perishing and on their way to perdition, but to us who are being saved it is the [manifestation of] the power of God.” Outside of God, tithing makes no sense and loving your enemies is even more absurd! But with God, doing these things puts you in His will and hooks you up to the most powerful force in the universe. Just because the world doesn’t understand it, doesn’t mean you should change anything to make you Christianity more palatable to those around you.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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