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Lucifer Demons

Lucifer, the most powerful evil spirit, has always been present in human affairs. But in recent years, as an exorcist, I have observed that the spiritual landscape of humanity has undergone a drastic change. Demons with the name and similarities of Lucifer have drastically increased their presence and activity. Does this presage something prophetic? I assert we have now entered an era of overt Luciferian activity that points to a global moral collapse and the ...
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Is the Mark of the Beast a Tattoo?

Tattoos are everywhere. On the NBA courts and even in the pulpit, though the later are usually obscured by clothing. Is body art more than a fad? Is it an opening to evil spirits? More important, ...

Did Anne Heche go to Heaven?

Anne Heche may be in heaven today. I know some hardcore Christians may not agree but hear me out. August 5, just a little over a week ago, she drove her Mini Cooper nearly 100 mph ...

Anne Heche Possessed by Death Demon

Last Friday, actor Anne Heche, long-time lesbian partner of Ellen DeGeneres, crashed her Mini Cooper car into a house and an apartment complex. The house was nearly destroyed by the fire than ensued. Heche barely survived ...

These Curses Will Destroy Your Health

There are three categories of curses that have the potential to destroy your health. I call these intended curses, invited curses, and enabled curses. I’ll explain the nature of each kind of curse and then tell ...

3 Best Ways to Get Rid of Demons

Let me tell you the three best ways to get rid of demons. First, we must assume that the diagnosis regarding demonization is accurate. To get rid of demons presumes that there are indwelling evil spirits ...

Is Abortion a Doorway for Demons?

Before I get to the point of this blog concerning abortion as a possible demonic doorway, I want to make a point that should be obvious. In the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s overturn of the ...

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