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Lucifer Demons

Lucifer, the most powerful evil spirit, has always been present in human affairs. But in recent years, as an exorcist, I have observed that the spiritual landscape of humanity has undergone a drastic change. Demons with the name and similarities of Lucifer have drastically increased their presence and activity. Does this presage something prophetic? I assert we have now entered an era of overt Luciferian activity that points to a global moral collapse and the ...
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Why Psychics are Demonic.

When Allison Dubois was 17, she heard a voice saying, “Move your bed.” She did. That night, a truck driven by a drunk woman crashed through her bedroom wall, right where her bed had been. There ...

10 Things that Demons Love

If I asked you to name things which demons hate, you’d likely have no problem making a quick list. It would likely include: the name of Jesus; the Word of God; prayer; fasting, etc. But are ...

Deliverance is Dangerous

“Deliverance is dangerous.” I don’t mean that it is life-threatening or dangerous to one’s health. I am warning that embracing all that deliverance stands for will bring a radical change in how you see God and how the ...

Bob Larson Busts Ghostbusters: Afterlife

The fourth of the “Ghostbusters” series is here. Installments of the supernatural comedy were released on-screen in 1984, 1989, and 2016 (the all-female reboot). In 2021, 32 years after the original Vigo spirit (named after a ...
Ministry Update

Six New Videos Available in December!

Sword Bearer LevelBEHIND THE SCENES – Bob Larson vs. Smite Demons RevisitedCURSE BREAKING – Breaking the Curse of Lust, Pt. 2 Soldier Level (Sword Bearer Videos Plus 2 More!)EXORCISM EXPLAINED – Bob Larson Attacked by woman ...

What Catholic Exorcism Gets Wrong

Most people think of exorcism as it was portrayed by Catholic priests in the movie “The Exorcist.” What that film presented has little resemblance to a successful expulsion of demon spirits. Director William Friedkin used the ...

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