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Lucifer Demons

Lucifer, the most powerful evil spirit, has always been present in human affairs. But in recent years, as an exorcist, I have observed that the spiritual landscape of humanity has undergone a drastic change. Demons with the name and similarities of Lucifer have drastically increased their presence and activity. Does this presage something prophetic? I assert we have now entered an era of overt Luciferian activity that points to a global moral collapse and the ...
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Cleanse a Haunted House in 5 steps

Is your house haunted? Do you sometimes feel an unnatural cold? Are there spooky sounds with no logical explanation – footsteps, doors open and close on their own? Perhaps you’ve felt a presence or seen dark ...

Can Demonized Christians Go to Heaven?

Can you enter heaven if you have demons? To traditional evangelical Christians, this question is a contradiction. To Calvinists, it is an oxymoron. They assert that Christians can’t have demons; therefore, if you have demons you ...

Lil Nas X Satan Shoes

By now you probably know that popular 23-year-old rapper Lil Nas X modified a pair of Nike sneakers based on a demonic theme and sold them as “Satan shoes.” The shoes include a Satan worshipping pentagram, ...

Why Ravi Zakahrias Fell!

Recently, my blog commented on the tragic end to Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias. Please read or view part 1 to understand my concerns. In brief, after a spiritually illustrious career defending the faith over 40 years, ...

Demonic Massacre In Colorado

Ahmad Alissa, age 21, has been charged with killing 10 people in a King Soopers grocery store in Boulder, Colorado. Two were murdered in the parking lot, another six inside the store. One was a police ...

Cardi B & Thee Stallion – Sodom at The Grammys

I didn’t tune in to this year’s Grammys. Who wants to watch such a grotesque display of sexually-graphic entertainment? It used to be about the music, but now the Grammys have degenerated into Sodom on CBS. ...

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