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Lucifer Demons

Lucifer, the most powerful evil spirit, has always been present in human affairs. But in recent years, as an exorcist, I have observed that the spiritual landscape of humanity has undergone a drastic change. Demons with the name and similarities of Lucifer have drastically increased their presence and activity. Does this presage something prophetic? I assert we have now entered an era of overt Luciferian activity that points to a global moral collapse and the ...
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COVID and the Rapture

The return of Christ to earth, often called the Second Coming. Some refer to it as the rapture, the secret catching away of Christians as celebrated in books like “Left Behind.” But when and how this ...

Bat Demon COVID Curse

Coronavirus. Where did it come from? How did it start? The way it metastasizes so quickly—is it a curse to destroy civilization? Does its origin allow demons to kill and destroy? Let me be clear. COVID-19 ...

God is not Quarantined!

America is in a state of inconsistency. How you live from day-to-day during the COVID-19 crisis depends on your locality. Our friends in California are housebound. Here in Arizona, just across the state line, life is ...

Coronavirus is Spiritual

We live in an age of scientism and rationalism. To suggest that a viral disease has a spiritual identity appears on the face of it ludicrous. But look at it this way. Yes, the coronavirus is ...

COVID-19 is demonic

The coronavirus epidemic, known by its abbreviated designation COVID-19, is demonic. But perhaps not in the way you think. This virus, which is causing panic in every sector of society, certainly could be a demon functioning as ...

Coronavirus Crisis

Coronavirus is a health crisis, especially in China. I get that. But balance is needed concerning how serious this really is. The media is milking it. Politicians are exploiting it. And people are dying, but not exactly in ...

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