
The Bob Larson Blog


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Lucifer Demons

Lucifer, the most powerful evil spirit, has always been present in human affairs. But in recent years, as an exorcist, I have observed that the spiritual landscape of humanity has undergone a drastic change. Demons with the name and similarities of Lucifer have drastically increased their presence and activity. Does this presage something prophetic? I assert we have now entered an era of overt Luciferian activity that points to a global moral collapse and the ...
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Ministry Update

Why Wait?

A common theme of those who contact our ministry is that they’ve waited too long too   take seek spiritual help. Here’s what they say:  I’ve known about you for years but never got around to calling.  Every time I decided to reach ...

American Evangelical Apocalypse

 We may not burn heretics at the stake any more, but a hard look at what Christians in America believe, and where they stand politically, is shocking. As we approach the mid-term elections, here are some facts about evangelical, ...
Ministry Update

Bob Larson Exorcism on Discovery Channel 2nd Week in a Row!

DISCOVERY CHANNEL’S “EXPEDITION UNKNOWN” AIRS  BOB LARSON EXORCISM 2ND WEEK IN A ROW! Left to right: host Josh Gates, pre-exorcism interview, demonic manifestation of Murder demon.  OCTOBER 14: Discovery channel & “Expedition Unknown” airs dramatic exorcism of murder demon; ...

Millions see Bob Larson cast out demons.

This week’s blog is combined with our usual Update report on ministry activities, because what happened this past week is both newsworthy and spiritually powerful. Last week the Discovery Channel show “Expedition Unknown” featured me performing ...
Ministry Update

Expedition Exorcism

This week’s blog is combined with our usual Update report on ministry activities, because what happened this past week is both newsworthy and spiritually powerful. Last week the Discovery Channel show “Expedition Unknown” featured me performing one of ...

Halloween Madness

While in Greenville, S. C. last week for a seminar, I dropped by a local mall to get something. Hanging over the entry to the shops was the sign above, MAD WORLD, HAUNTED ATTRACTION. We have come to expect this ...

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Help support our urgent mission to bring freedom in Christ to hurting people around the world. Many silently suffer and need a safe place to get help and find freedom. Your donation will enable millions to be effectively helped, trained, and launched through the various outreaches of Dr. Bob Larson’s Spiritual Freedom Church.