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Narcissism can be demonic!

WHAT IS A NARCISSIST?  In Greek mythology, Narcissus was a hunter from the area of current-day Turkey known as Izmir. I’ve been there. It is the gateway city to the ancient ruins of Ephesus. Narcissus was known for his beauty. According to the ancient Greek poet Ovid, Narcissus loved no one until he eventually fell in love with his own reflection in a pool of water. He was entranced by it. As the legend has it, he beat ...
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“Incredulity” is one of those impressive words that carries more weight than its somewhat obscure meaning. It’s defined as the unwillingness to believe something, or more extremely, the willful refusal to accept the truth. I assert ...

Psychiatry and Possession

. I am indebted to my good friend, Pastor Steve Strader, in Lakeland Florida, for passing on a fascinating new report entitled “Psychiatrist Admits Mental Illness is Caused by Demonic Possession.” (The full account can be ...
Ministry Update

The Big Move (7-17-17)

Monday, July 17, 2017 THE BIG MOVE – AN UPDATE. A photo found while packing for the big move. “The stress is hard. Fighting demons is much easier!” That’s what I said to Laura, my wife, ...

Preposterous Preachers

Let me be clear from the start about two things. I am using the word “preposterous” in the sense of “contrary to reason,” not stupid or ridiculous. Also, I’m going to focus on a particular preacher, ...

Exorcism Arising

We just completed our first-ever convention of the International School of Exorcism® (ISE). Scores gathered in Lakeland, Florida for, what was billed as, the largest gathering of trained exorcists in the history of the church. Pictured on ...

Historical Revisionism

“Historical revisionism” is usually an academic pursuit, the scholarly challenge to orthodox views of the past. It’s usually done as the result of new facts or evidence that sheds different light on former events. The purpose ...

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