
Epigenetic Evidence


Emerging evidence suggests that the consequences of mistreatment in childhood may persist down the generations, affecting a victim’s children or grandchildren, even if they have experienced no abuse themselves. 

“Stress Test,” The Economist, May 26, 2018 

Our book “Dealing with Demons,” beginning on page 64, reports regarding the emerging neurobiological study of epigenetics. Citing research published in the journal “Biological Psychiatry,” we explain recent findings that, “One generation’s maladies can become the next generation’s emotional hindrances.” Our point is that science is now proving the genetic reality of curses being passed from generation to generation. We present much evidence from secular sources that the effects of evil can be conferred trans-generationally. (To order our book click here.) 

Now, comes more recent research which further proves what scripture has been saying since the Decalogue nearly 3,500 years ago! “The Economist” article cited above is based on evidence that psychological stress affects sperm which in turn explains how “life experiences can have effects on its offspring.” One study was based on mice, suffering from deliberately induced stress by so-called “cage-shuffling.” The findings proved that, “The effects of cage-shuffling seem to last for at least three generations.” Surely, that echoes the words of Exodus 20:5, warning that the consequences of spiritual disobedience visit “the iniquities of the fathers upon the children until the third and fourth generation.” 

Without question, the evil of one generation genetically visits the next. That’s Scripture, and that’s science. The only question is whether born-again Christian are immune from this principle. Most preachers say “Yes, Christians are immune,” but our book “Curse Breaking” (p. 22 – To order click here.), and teachings from our International School of Exorcism (To enroll click here.), effectively prove that Christians can be, and are, effected by unbroken curses.  

Epigenetic evidence underscores the teaching of Scripture that believers can be hindered by the evil of their ancestors. It’s not often that secular science and the Bible are so clearly in agreement, but the verdict is in. To walk in spiritual victory, unhindered by ancestral evil, every follower of Christ needs to confront and renounce family curses. Don’t just take my word for it. Consider the epigenetic evidence! 


In my many years of ministry, I’ve had vicious attacks leveled at me by Christians. How do I handle it? One way is to remember what Nehemiah said while rebuilding the temple. His critics insisted that he stop his God-appointed mission and answer their accusations. He answered in Nehemiah 6:3, “I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?” This happened five times. (The devil is persistent.) Reasonable questions should be answered, but the attacks of Satan are only worth the response Nehemiah gave. Say it kindly, but say it firmly, “No!” 

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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