
SLAYER’s Final Tour


For more than three decades they’ve claimed the title of the world’s most satanic band. Now, the death-metal musicians of Slayer are finally calling it quits. After years of extolling the pleasures of uninhibited demonism and hedonism, their thrashing guitars are going silent. At least that’s what their publicity says about their “final world tour.” No more will audiences thrust satanic salutes in the air and head-bang to lyrics such as:

“I feel the need to F*** this sinful corpse, the b****’s soul raped in demonic lust” – Necrophiliac

“Crucify bastard son, suffocation, strangulation.” – Silent Scream

“Slaves to my torments, pleasure in inflicting pain.” – Sex, Murder, Art

“F*** your God, erase his name.” – Jihad

“Learn the sacred word of praise, hail Satan.” – Altar of Sacrifice

Spare me artistic arguments about poetic flourishes contained in such lyrics. For Slayer, the purpose has always been to shock, intimidate, and push the boundaries of obscenity and decency as far as they could with song titles like “Spill the Blood,” “Vices,” “Death’s Head,” “Deviance,” “Love to Hate,” and “God Hates Us All.” War, sacrilege, sin, Satan, serial killers, murder – no tunes of falling in love or sentiments of romantic emotion.

It’s hard to believe that 30 years ago I toured with this band for a week in Germany. I was commissioned to write an article for the rock magazine, SPIN. I was there on the bus, in the concerts, back stage, in the audience watching thousands of disaffected youth, mostly high on drugs, professing allegiance to the band, performing in front of a massive upside-down cross. Was all this evil satanic stuff an act or for real? This week, National Public radio features an exclusive interview with me looking back at those days and what death metal music has done to the minds and morals of American’s youth. You can listen to the interview live by consulting: https://www.npr.org/podcasts/. You can also check out the podcast anytime at: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/listen.

Slayer’s career as satanic musicians may be over, but my calling from Christ is going stronger than ever with no end in sight. They’re on the highway to hell, and I, by God’s grace, am on my way to heaven with life getting better every day. Theological arguments aside, doesn’t that say something? One member of the band is dead. Another, no idea where he is, but he was the biggest druggie of all. The rest don’t look like life has been good to them. Me? I’m doing great. Healthy. Surrounded by loving family and friends. Still reaching souls for the Lord. Jesus makes all the difference.

An encouraging word: PERSECUTION

“All that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (1 Tim 3:12). We’ve forgotten that in America. But Christians around the world know better. Our feel-good, seeker-friendly kind of Christianity tends to emphasize positive superlatives more than calls to boldness and sacrifice. But opposition from evil has to be faced as part of being a Believer. If you aren’t encountering any opposition to your faith, maybe you aren’t much of a threat to the devil. Persecution because you have odd religious practices doesn’t quality. But persecution from genuine godliness is a badge of honor to wear quietly and humbly.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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