

Paradox of Demons

What is a paradox of demons? Let me describe want I mean. Many of you have come to understand that sincere Christian can be attacked by demons, and you have been criticized by other Christians for expressing this belief. I want to explain this matter in a way that will help you. Behind this denial …

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I came across an interesting study (Oxford University Press) on the subject of swearing, the verbal use of some profane oath or word to shock, exclaim, or register disgust. The root of swearing is, of course, in the ancient effort to solemnly declare something of sacred or social significance. It was the affirmation of some …

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Bomb in Boston

It’s Monday night as I write this so I’ll not be specific about the casualties, the terrorist(s), or the motive(s). That would be premature and likely inaccurate. Whether this was an act of international or domestic terrorism probably won’t be known for some time. The heroism and selfishness of first responders and medical personnel are …

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