
spiritual warfare

Paradox of Demons

What is a paradox of demons? Let me describe want I mean. Many of you have come to understand that sincere Christian can be attacked by demons, and you have been criticized by other Christians for expressing this belief. I want to explain this matter in a way that will help you. Behind this denial …

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I Have Been Cursed!

I sometimes get the question, “Have you, Bob Larson, ever had an exorcism?” The answer is, “No.” I have not had demons cast out of me. But I have been through deliverance prayers with mature Christians connected to this ministry, men whom I spiritually trust. I gave them permission to probe as deeply as they …

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I came across an interesting study (Oxford University Press) on the subject of swearing, the verbal use of some profane oath or word to shock, exclaim, or register disgust. The root of swearing is, of course, in the ancient effort to solemnly declare something of sacred or social significance. It was the affirmation of some …

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Biblical Deliverance Part I

Matt 4:24 Then His fame went throughout all Syria; and they brought to Him all sick people who were afflicted with various diseases and torments, and those who were demon-possessed, epileptics, and paralytics; and He healed them. NKJV Biblical deliverance is not hard to discern. The model is there in Scripture for all to read. Sadly, …

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Yoga in Airports

As someone who travels a lot, usually 2-4 days a week in airports and on airplanes, I can testify to the stress of modern transportation. If the cramped seats don’t get you, the food they don’t serve will. Jet lag from pressurized cabins, smelly ill-kept bathrooms, junk food when you really want a salad, and …

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Ingersoll’s Insight

He was a noted 19th century infidel, though raised in a devoutly Christian home. Robert Ingersoll, an illustrous GOP orator during civil war days, turned against religion because of the harshly bigoted treatment of his abolitionist father. He first rejected austere Calvinism (who can blame him), but then jettisoned Christianity in general and became known …

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Ship of Fear

The devil has a head start on fear for the coming year. While doing some Internet research I stumbled on an ad that immediately caught my eye. Every year it seems that holidays come earlier and earlier. They break out the pumpkins for Thanksgiving around Labor Day. Christmas decorations used to go up at the …

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Sperm Donor Dilemma

Just when you think that the permutations of modern life have reached the limits of moral absurdity, another conundrum comes along. This time It’s a sperm donor in Kansas whom the state is assessing for child support. It seems that William Marotta, in his effort to be a good neighbor by donating his bodily fluids, …

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