

The world's foremost export on cults, the occult, and the supernatural phenomena.

Ouija Board History

    Wednesday, October 30th 2013     The very first Ouija Board in 1891. One can only imagine how many demons have been conjured since then. As a fitting footnote to the Halloween season a recent article in the most-serious publication Smithsonian detailed “The Strange and Mysterious History of the Ouija Board.” The story …

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Demons for Children

    Tuesday, October 29th 2013       Bookstore display of occult children’s books.   Blood-sucking vampires made acceptable to children.   Who would imagine that your local Barnes and Noble bookstore could be a den of demons for children? I like bookstores, including Barnes & Noble. I’m a reader and writer. Barnes and …

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Demons in School

    Monday, October 28th 2013       As other students look on, the two allegedly demon-possessed girls in Kenya leave school. Mike Landsberry, murdered Nevada teacher.     It happened in the far away east African country of Kenya, a place I’ve visited and ministered in many times.  According to a Nairobi newspaper …

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Preachers of L.A.

“Preachers of L.A.,” move over. (We’re talking the new Oxygen Channel reality TV series.) With all your Bentleys and bling, you’ve got competition. Your economic excesses, bragging rights to materialism in the name of God, and questionable lifestyles are being upstaged by a German Priest. Sure, you brag about living in Malibu and tell your …

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Vampire Babies?

Get ’em while they’re young. And what better way for Satan to corrupt a generation than to introduce the youngest, and most innocent, to blood-sucking vampire babies. Harry Potter got kids into witchcraft. Twilight introduced teens to occult romance. The littlest ones are next with books like Vampire Babies. Amazon.com promotes the book by saying: …

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Irish Exorcists

A recent news article says it all with the headline: Growing demand for exorcist priests in Ireland: Specially trained priests now available to cast out spirits. The admission that exorcism priests are in need and being trained is the good news; the bad news is that the photo above is not an abstract, artsy view …

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Witchcraft Symbols

    Tuesday, October 22nd 2013       Classic depiction of the Wicked Witch of the West.   It’s that time of year when attention turns to all things demonic.  Around us are images of ghosts, goblins, skeletons, black cats, and of course, plenty of witches. You know, the ones with long, warted noses …

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Reverend OJ?

    Monday, October 21st 2013     IF I DID IT – 2006 Book by O.J. Simpson   O.J. Simpson as he looks today in prison garb. Poster promoting O.J.’s TV show.     A report this past week that O. J. Simpson may soon get out of jail and become a television evangelist …

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Fallen Pastor

    Friday, October 18th 2013         “Another one bites the dust,” to quote Queen’s late Freddie Mercury. The song says, “And another one gone, and another one gone.” Yet another mega-church pastor has fallen from grace, or at least his wife has. I’ll not name the church because this isn’t about …

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Demonic Cohabitation

    Thursday, October 17th 2013       WARNING – EXPLICIT MATERIAL – NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN Ke$ha on Jimmy Kimmel show.   Ke$ha with an appropriate Jezebel look.     November 2012 I did a blog about the subject of incubus, demons cohabiting with humans. In that blog entitled “Incubus in Entertainment” I …

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