

The world's foremost export on cults, the occult, and the supernatural phenomena.

Christianity’s Future?

    Wednesday, October 16th 2013       Today’s college students. What do they believe? If you are prone to pessimism I am about to give you some ammunition.  The future of Christianity is not looking so good, at least in America.  Researchers from the American Religious Identification Survey have compiled some alarming stats. …

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Assassin Kills Kennedy

    Tuesday, October 15th 2013       New book about the Kennedy Assassination. Yes I do remember where I was that day in 1963: a fraternity house at the University of Nebraska.  I was walking down the hallway when a fraternity brother talking on a pay wall phone (remember those?) shouted out what …

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Satan’s House

    Friday, October 11th 2013       Scene inside abandoned house where a satanic ritual with a cross was performed. What would you do, if as a potential home buyer, you were told that a prospective house was haunted? Or that it had been used for satanic rituals? Or that a terrible crime …

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Curse of Chucky

    Thursday, October 10th 2013       Chucky the doll serial killer. Heeeee’s back. Twenty-five years ago Chucky the doll serial killer burst on the scene in the movie “Child’s Play.” Now, 40 later he’s back on Blu-ray and DVD in the sixth film of the series, “Curse of Chucky.” The theme of …

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The Exorcist Errors

    Wednesday, October 9th 2013       Priest attempts to cast out demons in “The Exorcist” movie. The stairs that Father Karras fell down to his death were fake. They didn’t exist in the real house located in the Georgetown area of Washington, D. C. To make the building conform to filming requirements …

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Madonna’s Dilemma

    Monday, October 7th 2013       Cover of latest issue of Harper’s BAZAAR magazine.   New York wasn’t everything I thought it would be. It did not welcome me with open arms. The first year, I was held up at gunpoint. Raped on the roof of a building I was dragged up …

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Ancient Curses

    Thursday, October 3rd 2013       Ancient Roman curse etched on metal Line drawing of the demon invoked for the Roman curse Curses are nothing new. They have been around for millennia. A recent National Geographic magazine article called “Curses, Foiled,” gives an example recently unearthed by archaeologist. Romans were especially interested …

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Muslim or Die?

    Tuesday, October 1st 2013       The man seen here, a father with five children, was shot by terrorists. He died later.   We now know that the Muslim terrorist group al-Shabab that attacked Nairobi, Kenya’s Westgate Mall had specific intentions to kill non-Muslims. They came prepared with guns, bullets, and a …

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Bible Censorship

You need to know the Bible. Yes, you, and you, and you. All of you reading this, whether or not you’re a Christian. A couple of months ago I did a blog entitled “Shakespeare and the Bible.” I pointed out how many phrases in modern language are rooted in Scripture; for example, “skin of my …

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Heterosexism. Yet another label to pin on those not comfortable with the fast-changing sexual landscape of America. The word carries all the more weight when it’s being bandied about by someone with a Ph. D in clinical psychology. And for only a $59 registration fee you can find out how to cure your heterosexism and …

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