

The world's foremost export on cults, the occult, and the supernatural phenomena.

Death by Swallowing

Occasionally I come across strange information that piques my interest. This blog is about that. A writer named Stacy Conradt took the time (I have to wonder who has time for this sort of thing) to research information about people who died by swallowing. Apparently, it’s not all that uncommon. Take writer Tennessee Williams. He …

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Achieving Goals

ACHIEVING GOALS “Victory belongs to the most persevering.” “The torment of precautions often exceeds the dangers to be avoided.” “Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.” Sage wisdom. Excellent advice we’d all do well to heed. It’s not biblical, but it’s sound and helpful. These words came from Napoleon …

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Python Spirit

You never know who needs deliverance. Take the case of Lora, a middle-aged, African-American woman attending my Detroit seminar.  The more I taught on breaking curses, the more agitated she became. When I approached her with my Cross of Deliverance, she screamed. At the time, I had no idea at the time that she was …

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Rosy Cross

DATELINE: Liberate London Mission The Teenage Exorcists and I are safely back in America, but we are still sorting through all the memories of our “LIBERATE LONDON” mission. You’ll recall that earlier this week that I shared the stirring story of Joseph. He’s the young man we met at the subway station while we were doing …

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Miracle of Julie

DATELINE: London, July 7, 2013  In yesterday’s blog I related the miracle of Beth who rode a train 4 hours from Exeter to London seeking deliverance. She was accompanied by her friend Julia who traveled the long distance with her. Beth had been a chaplain in the Church of England, Great Britain’s official state church, …

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Beth’s Miracle

DATELINE: London, England Seminar, July 6, 2013 After ministering in more than 100 countries of the world, I finally spoke in one of the world’s premier cities – London, England. What a night it was.  The Amazing Grace Church of London was founded two years ago by Pastor Vincent Ten Bouwhuis, from the Netherlands.  Seven …

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Decline of Religion

As Americans celebrate July 4th on Thursday this week and remember our separation from Great Britain, I’ll actually be in England. That should be a strange experience, thinking of the Declaration of Independence while in the country we fought to achieve our freedoms. (See special letter above for more information about this mission, LIBERATE LONDON!) …

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Pet Charity

The last few years during the Great Recession have been difficult for all ministries. It has been especially difficult for us. Because of our message of deliverance, we receive little support from traditional churches. Ostracized would be a kind way to put it. I’m at peace with that for three reasons. First, when Jesus cast …

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Myopic Christianity

The evangelical church in America has become myopic. Success in building large, seemingly successful churches has resulted in an insular, know-it-all attitude among many Christian leaders. They understand little of the wider work of the Holy Spirit internationally and are obsessed with theological hair-splitting.  American Christianity is too often near-sighted and assumes the luxury of …

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