

The world's foremost export on cults, the occult, and the supernatural phenomena.

Bomb in Boston

It’s Monday night as I write this so I’ll not be specific about the casualties, the terrorist(s), or the motive(s). That would be premature and likely inaccurate. Whether this was an act of international or domestic terrorism probably won’t be known for some time. The heroism and selfishness of first responders and medical personnel are …

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Deliverance is Not Needed

Deliverance isn’t needed. Not if your goals are consistent with contemporary Christianity. Let’s ask a provocative series of questions. Do you need deliverance if. . . You want to establish a well-attended mega-church? You aspire to get a Christian book on the best-sellers charts? You build a huge Christian radio or TV network? You fill …

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Pot Propaganda Part II

Yesterday’s blog referenced USA-TODAY’s Wednesday article entitled, “Young celebs pipe up for pot.” Entertainment artists such as Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, and even Justin Bieber were cited as extolling the benefits of weed.  In addition to the information I cited yesterday, here are a few more facts: The psychoactive ingredient in pot, tetrahydrocannabinol, stays …

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Pot Propaganda Part I

A moral sea change is taking place in America. Nowhere is this more evident than the growing acceptance of marijuana use. USA-TODAY, in today’s entertainment section, features a lengthy article entitled, “Young celebs pipe up for pot.” The increased usage of pot is noted, courtesy of artists like Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, and even …

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Stomping on Jesus Pt II

In my March 27, 2013 blog entitled “Desecrating Jesus” I reported as follows: What will happen now that a Florida Atlantic University student has been suspended for refusing to follow his professor’s orders to stomp on the name of Jesus? In an Intercultural Communications class students were told to write the name JESUS on a …

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Perverted Prosecution

A report just released by the U.S. Justice Department reveals that efforts to keep predatory pedophiles off the streets is failing.  More than half the cases to keep perverts detained are being lost.  Now questions are being raised about whether the legal system even has the power to keep such individuals locked up indefinitely.  In …

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Organ Manufacturing

Lab-built body parts are on the rise because organ donors are in short supply. Plus drugs aren’t needed to avoid rejection of a body part implant, if the stem cells are taken from the recipient’s own body. Next on the agenda is growing a larynx and bile ducts. Scientists hope to eventually grow an entire …

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Repentance Omission

Golf great Tiger Woods is back as the world’s #1 on the course. There he is in the latest ad, knees bent, putter in right hand, studying his next move. His eyes intently survey the green.  Bold letters centered on the photo declare; “WINNING TAKES CARE OF EVERYTHING.” After his wife found Tiger texting his …

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