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Christians Aren’t Curse-Free

Being a Christian isn’t being curse-free. Let me repeat that because it’s a revolutionary idea for most followers of Christ. Christians aren’t automatically free from curses by being saved. To understand why Christians need to break curses, you must first know this: repentance is not renunciation. Being forgiven of a sin is not the same as breaking the power of its consequences. Paul told us in Ephesians 5:11 that we are to have “no fellowship ...
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Decline of Religion

As Americans celebrate July 4th on Thursday this week and remember our separation from Great Britain, I’ll actually be in England. That should be a strange experience, thinking of the Declaration of Independence while in the ...

Pet Charity

The last few years during the Great Recession have been difficult for all ministries. It has been especially difficult for us. Because of our message of deliverance, we receive little support from traditional churches. Ostracized would ...

Myopic Christianity

The evangelical church in America has become myopic. Success in building large, seemingly successful churches has resulted in an insular, know-it-all attitude among many Christian leaders. They understand little of the wider work of the Holy ...

Sexless in Australia

It had to finally come to this. What will the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered) people do about this one? Add another letter, S for “sexless” and make it LGBTS? According to a report by the ...

Nineteen Eighty-Four

Relax, over the weekend President Obama addressed the mass surveillance of U.S citizens that we learned of last week and assured us, “Nobody is listening in on your phone calls.” He should have added, “Not yet.” ...

Night Stalker

The 40+ crowd remembers him well, the serial killer that terrorized California in the mid-80s – Richard Ramirez, the so-called “night stalker.” (The name came from a Rolling Stones’ song that described a nighttime marauder, much ...

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