
The Bob Larson Blog

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Christians Aren’t Curse-Free

Being a Christian isn’t being curse-free. Let me repeat that because it’s a revolutionary idea for most followers of Christ. Christians aren’t automatically free from curses by being saved. To understand why Christians need to break curses, you must first know this: repentance is not renunciation. Being forgiven of a sin is not the same as breaking the power of its consequences. Paul told us in Ephesians 5:11 that we are to have “no fellowship ...
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Bomb in Boston

It’s Monday night as I write this so I’ll not be specific about the casualties, the terrorist(s), or the motive(s). That would be premature and likely inaccurate. Whether this was an act of international or domestic ...

Deliverance is Not Needed

Deliverance isn’t needed. Not if your goals are consistent with contemporary Christianity. Let’s ask a provocative series of questions. Do you need deliverance if. . . You want to establish a well-attended mega-church? You aspire to ...

Catholic College Conundrum

I’m not Catholic. But if I were, I should think that, since the church is an ordered institution that governs theologically from the top down, I would be obliged to abide by Catholic teaching. Or get ...

Suicide of Rick Warren’s Son

As most Christians know by now, last weekend the son of America’s most famous preacher, after Billy Graham, killed himself with a shot to the head. Rick Warren, mega-church pastor of Saddleback Community Church, announced via ...

Pot Propaganda Part II

Yesterday’s blog referenced USA-TODAY’s Wednesday article entitled, “Young celebs pipe up for pot.” Entertainment artists such as Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, and even Justin Bieber were cited as extolling the benefits of weed.  In addition ...

Pot Propaganda Part I

A moral sea change is taking place in America. Nowhere is this more evident than the growing acceptance of marijuana use. USA-TODAY, in today’s entertainment section, features a lengthy article entitled, “Young celebs pipe up for ...

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