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What Allows Demons Back In?

You finally found someone who does deliverance and also believes that Christians can have demons. You think your long nightmare of being tormented by evil spirits will finally be over. The people praying over you seem to know what they’re doing, are very self-assured, and even claim to know what demons you have because God “revealed” it to them. Demons can’t speak nor are they allowed to manifest. The deliverance minister prays, rebukes Satan, and ...
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Are Psychic Gifts Dangerous?

Are psychic gifts dangerous? YES! But not according to a university lecturer in England. Dr. Richard Sugg, author or 13 books, recently told Durham University students that they should welcome ghosts, poltergeists, and so-called lucid dreams. ...

How to Get Demons Online

Until recently, getting a demon via the occult took some doing. Effort and investigation were necessary. Take President Abraham Lincoln for example. He served during the first major surge of spiritualism in America. Think things are ...

What is an Exorcist?

The question seems straightforward. “What is an exorcist?” But the answer isn’t so simple. First, last week the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Krill, declared that President Vladimir Putin is the “chief exorcist” of ...

Are the Voices in My Head Demons?

Many people seek my help for deliverance from voices in their heads. If you or a loved one suffer from this phenomenon, heed carefully what I am going to share. It could be lifesaving. If you’ve ...

Halloween is the Devil’s Day

The name Halloween is short for “hallowed eve.” This harkens back to when the Catholic church declared November 1 to be All Saints Day, in 835 A.D. Thus, the hallowed evening, the night before was contracted ...

Curses You’ve Spoken are Coming Back

The curses you’ve spoken in life may come back — back with a vengeance! You may think that this doesn’t apply to you, but consider all the angry, condemning words you’ve spoken. Some were uttered before ...

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