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Christians Aren’t Curse-Free

Being a Christian isn’t being curse-free. Let me repeat that because it’s a revolutionary idea for most followers of Christ. Christians aren’t automatically free from curses by being saved. To understand why Christians need to break curses, you must first know this: repentance is not renunciation. Being forgiven of a sin is not the same as breaking the power of its consequences. Paul told us in Ephesians 5:11 that we are to have “no fellowship ...
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Demons Always Say This to Me

Demons always say three things to me: Before I explain the logic behind this countering of what demons say, let’s first deal with the issue of vocal, demonic manifestations. Among those who practice deliverance there are ...

What is the Spirit of Manifestation?

What is meant by the spirit of manifestation? In the ministry of deliverance, we speak of a spirit manifesting. By this we mean the demon expresses itself through the mind and body of the host in ...

The Dangers of Mindful Meditation

The following is taken from Dr. Bob Larson’s QUICK GUIDE TO CULTS, the section on Buddhism. The entire teaching is available exclusively on our streaming platform XDUNAMIS. What follows is a portion of the teaching on ...

Can Non-Christians Be Delivered From Demons?

Is it possible for a non-Christin to be delivered from demons? It’s a common question I get. The answer is, YES. Having said that, I’ve got a lot of explaining to do. My answer raises other ...

What is Soul Trafficking, Pt. 2

In my previous blog, which was the first part of this series, I explained the concept of soul trafficking. Be sure to watch that before proceeding here. I pointed out that spiritual soul trafficking allows someone ...

What is Soul Trafficking?

First let me state, this is part 1 of a several-part series. We all know what human trafficking is, but what is soul trafficking, a term I’ve originated? Human trafficking is the illegal exploitation of individuals ...

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