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How to Hijack the Devil

Here’s how to hijack the devil when ministering deliverance. To read my first two treatments on this topic series, click on How Satan Hijacks the Mind and Can the Devil Read Your Mind? You can turn the tables on him. Pay close attention to the person receiving ministry and use these simple techniques: All these hijacking techniques prepare you for the final interrogation of the demon, his name, how he got there, who is with ...
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Do This or Demons Won’t Go

My schedule is filled every day, five days a week and sometimes more, with virtual and in-person encounters. When I make a bold statement about how demons enter and what makes them leave, it’s based on ...

Demons Enter by Fear

When I started in deliverance ministry, one of the first lessons about evil spirits that I learned was this: Fear is the most common right of entry for demons. In fact, I believe that more people ...

Are Demons Stronger at Halloween?

Are demons stronger at Halloween? It certainly seems so. If you’ve looked around the past couple of months you’ve seen death, darkness, murder, and mayhem depicted everywhere—in store displays, your neighbor’s front yard, and even hospitals ...

Happy Halloween-Christmas!

“Happy Halloween-Christmas!” That greeting may sound odd to some, even blasphemous. But mixing the two days is a sign of cultural and spiritual decadence. If you haven’t noticed, the two most-celebrated days of the year, Halloween ...

Can We Just Ignore Halloween?

Like many of you, I just want Halloween to go away. This year, I started seeing Halloween stuff on store shelves the first week of August. THREE MONTHS EARLY! Now, merchandising is overwhelming. A couple of ...

Can You Get Demons From Baptism?

Can you get demons from baptism? That may be one of the strangest questions I’ve ever posed in a blog. Before you think I’ve raised an irreverent issue, hear me out. First, let’s consider the meaning ...

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